23 | Milly

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Part Twenty Three:
A Little First Ever Broken Heart

Climbing out of Trevor's grip with a pounding chest and trembling hands, I pushed myself away from him, yanking my t-shirt and shorts from the floor and throwing them back on my flustered body in a heartbeat. It was dumb to try and stop the tears that begged to be released, and before I knew it, I was silently crying so much that each drop of water cascaded down my cheeks and fell from my chin with ease, making instant room for the next.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, I turned to Trevor with my hands clutching my heart and my lips pulled into a distraught frown. His eyebrows furrowed immediately as he hurried to yank his sweats back up his legs and tossed his arms through his previously discarded hoodie.

"Why would you say that?" I sobbed, ignoring the furious tears that refused to stop falling, allowing them to plummet from my jaw and roll over the skin of my neck with ease.

Trevor reached a hand towards me hesitantly, his heart pulling in the worst of ways. "M-Milly."

"No," I cried, flinching away from his touch. "Don't touch me."

When his face contorted into disbelief of his own, I wiped quickly at my eyes, wanting desperately for him to leave.

"Please," I whispered.

Trevor chewed on his lower lip, his anxiety skyrocketing as he watched me crumble before his very eyes. "Why?"

"Because," I shouted, pushing at his chest with all the strength I could muster. "It hurts!"

When he didn't immediately reply, I took a hiccupped breath, trying--but not trying hard--to compose myself. "What you said hurt, Trevor. You can't just use me like that because you're feeling jealous."

Scowling at me incredulously, Trevor shook his head. "I'm not using you, Milly, I love you!"

"Stop saying it!"

He flinched at the sound of me screaming before taking a few hesitant steps back, his heart seeming to break in his hands at my tone. I had never yelled at Trevor before, hell, we had hardly ever fought. Tears of his own welled in his eyes, and I found myself having to look away in order to keep from collapsing in his arms. What he had just done was wrong, I wasn't about to forgive him in a moments notice for that.

Taking advantage of me, as if that would make me agree with him, before giving me false hopes about his feelings--it was the worst kind of horrible, and honestly, the most horrendous heart break I had ever felt.

Letting a single, silent tear escape his blue eyes, Trevor ran an exasperated hand over his face. "I'm not lying to you, Milly. I'm not just jealous. I promise."

"Go away, Zegras," I sobbed, hugging my arms around my own chest, a way of guarding myself from the boy I thought cared.

"Really?" he asked, tilting his head to the side as more stray tears fell freely. "We're back to that, now?"

"You just told me the one thing you know I want to hear in the worst possible way," I admitted, trying to take a deep breath to calm myself, but failing as another sob wracked through my body.

"Milly, please," Trevor whispered, trying to take yet another step towards me. I stepped back, keeping my distance. He winced, wiping fiercely at his eyes. "Milly!"

"How could you do that to me?" I whimpered, not even recognising my own voice as I bawled in front of him, hardly able to stop myself. "Why would you say that? Why would you do that?"

"Milly," he begged, tugging at his hair in frustration.

"Why did you tell Jack to ask me out? Huh? If you loved me, why did you do that? And why would you just . . ." letting my gaze flicker to the closet where our recent activities had taken place, my heart cracked some more. I glanced up at him with wild eyes, my lip wobbling. "You're only here today to have sex with me, aren't you?"

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