3 | Milly

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Part Three:
A Little Game of Never Have I Ever

I glanced over at the dirty blond haired boy across from me. He was sprawled out dramatically across his bedroom floor while I lay flat on my stomach on his king size bed. The thing was huge, by the way, and totally unnecessary for one single person. But, each to their own.

He groaned in annoyance, dropping his head into his hands as he cursed himself and the world and biology for who even knows what. This was Trevor I was talking about here, so who could tell? I raised a single eyebrow in his direction, silently questioning the boy as to why he was suddenly complaining.

As if he really had read my thoughts, Trevor glared right up at me, his ocean eyes piercing through me in a way I hadn't expected. I sucked in a deep breath, plastering a plastic smile on my lips and shrugged.

"Can we take a break now?" he complained, his face drooped down in a less-than-impressed frown. And who the hell was I to say no to that? "I don't understand a single thing we just spoke about."

"Hmmm," I pondered, placing a finger on the tip of my chin in thought. I glanced towards the sulking senior in contemplation. "Perhaps, you need a different approach."

"Yeah," he snapped. "You think?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. We'll pick this up again tomorrow afternoon."

"Great!" he beamed, suddenly forgetting all about his minor tantrum just a moment ago and sitting upright in a cross-legged position. He clapped both hands together in excitement, grinning mischievously towards me. "Now we can focus on your problem."

I groaned loudly, letting my body flop down on his bed, my face squished against the comforter. "Trevor," I whined, my voice muffled. "I don't have a problem."

"Not what you told me yesterday," he quipped with sass, and finger guns. God, I hated him. Peeking up at him with a blank expression, I let a sigh slip from my lips as I patted the empty space on the bed beside me. His smile was so big I could have sworn he was going to split his lips. Stupid big, pretty smile. Stupid Trevor. "Okay. Let's start with the basics. Tell me your experience and we'll go from there?"

"My experience?" I asked, chewing on my lower lip in angst.

"Yeah," he grinned, nudging my shoulder lightly. "You know, boys you've kissed, bases you've gotten to, all of that stuff that girls usually care about."

I glared at him harshly, earning a low whistle from the boy in return.

"Fine," he whispered. "Just . . . at least tell me who your first kiss was."

I froze up instantly, my cheeks tinging a horrible shade of red and my eyes glossing over as I chanced a glance at the older boy. He was watching me expectantly, waiting for my response, though, it was a response he was never going to get. With a deep breath, I readied myself for eternal embarrassment.

"Actually, Trevor," I sighed, my voice barely a hushed whisper as I played with the hem of my school skirt absentmindedly. "I, um . . ."

"You haven't been kissed by anyone," he whispered, his voice surprisingly deep, and somewhat caring. "Have you?"

I rolled my eyes, gathering my school blazer and preparing to barrel out of there like there was no tomorrow. How the hell was I supposed to face one of the most popular and experienced boys in school now that he knew something so pathetic about me? That I, Milly Jones, had never had my first kiss.

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now