8 | Milly

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Part Eight:
A Little Anxiety

"So, you're telling me," Trevor sassed, questioning my statement with squinted eyes and his plastic spoon pointed towards me. "That you can literally hack computers?"

I shrugged, spooning more of the Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream into my mouth with an eye roll like I had a million times already during this conversation.

"Sure," I nodded, not being able to see a reason as to why Trevor was so surprised. "Computers, laptops, phones. Anything that connects to a cellular tower or WiFi. Basically anything with a digital interface or at the very least, a battery and a screen."

The senior boys mouth fell open, only bugging me further. I still wasn't sure why this was so important, or how it even came up in the first place. I shoved more ice cream between my lips, hoping that the cold substance would stop me from blushing under his scrutinising gaze.

"Could you like . . . track people?" He asked, keeping his voice down as he leaned in towards me. I raised a single eyebrow in his direction, confused as to why he was being so cautious. It wasn't like people around us were listening. Trevor continued in a whisper. "You know, through their phone numbers or something?"

I sat back in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest in a slightly self conscious manner. "I mean, I can trace numbers, but I've never tried to track a person by their phone before."

"Huh," he hummed, nodding along to this new information. "So, what have you done before? Downloaded illegal things from the black market? Stolen information form the FBI?"--he gasped dramatically--"Is that how you're using my Netflix account?

I smirked. "And your Amazon Prime."

"What?" he scoffed, scowling at me as he pushed his empty cup of ice cream to the side, leaning towards me with his elbows on the table. I avoided his gaze. "Seriously?"

"And your Disney+," I added with a smug grin and my chin held high. Trevor gaped at me as if I'd just told him he was never allowed to play hockey again. "Also, your--"

"Don't!" He snapped, holding a finger in my direction, his eyes tightly closed as he winced. "Please just, don't tell me. It's better that way."

"You're probably right," I whispered sweetly.

"Anyway," Trevor smiled, rolling his eyes as he drew out the word slowly. "Are you finished your ice cream yet? I got a few things I need to get."

"From here?" I asked, turning to take in our surroundings. We were currently at one of the busiest indoor malls in our area. Mostly filled with women's clothing. "Didn't take you for the glamorous type."

The light haired boy glared at me dryly as I suppressed a giggle at my own words. "There are other shops here too, genius."

I put both hands up in mock surrender. "I'm sorry I spoke at all. Show me these other shops, oh wise one."

I was gifted with yet another glare as the much taller boy disposed of his empty cup and spoon in a nearby bin. I placed the remaining mouth full of ice cream on my tongue, wanting to savour the taste for as long as I could. I ran slightly to catch up with the boy, tossing my empty ice cream in the same trash can that he had. 

"Would you slow down a bit?" I mumbled, finally falling into step beside him with a slight huff.

Trevor smirked down at me, nudging his shoulder against my own. "Maybe you should just grow a few feet taller. There, problem solved."

I scoffed in disgust. "Maybe you should grow a few feet smaller. How do you like that?"

He cocked his head in confusion. "Can someone grow smaller?"

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora