7 | Milly

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Part Eight:
A Little Confusion

Naturally, my attempt at sneaking back through my house on Saturday morning had been a failure. My mother had been waiting for my arrival at the dining room table, a firm look written across her face as I stood still as a statue, covered head-to-toe in Trevor's clothes with my own scrunched in a pile and shoved under my arm.

She had scolded me for three things:
- Going to a party without her permission
- Not letting her know that I was safe, and,
- Sleeping over at a boys house

I tried to play it off as though I hadn't spent the night in Trevor's bed, but my mother wasn't having it. She could see right through my lies, and when she asked if we'd done anything beyond kissing, well, my cheeks flared bright red and gave me away.

No amount of convincing had worked, and my mother came to the conclusion that I was unfortunately, banging the boy next door.

She had then proceeded to sit me down for 'The Talk' before grounding me for the rest of my existence and sending me to my bedroom with no breakfast and a stern warning not to exit my bedroom for the duration of the weekend.

And so, I spent the entire weekend gaining disapproving looks from my mother, eating copious amounts of instant noodles and lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking entirely about Trevor. I'll be the first to admit that my thoughts were less than wholesome, and that no matter the amount of smacking myself square in the forehead, I simply couldn't shake him from my mind. Or, more accurately, the sound of him groaning lowly in my ear from my mind.

I still don't remember a single thing past playing beer pong with the hockey team, but maybe playing drinking games was where I went wrong. Somehow, though, I knew that the dark blond haired boy had moaned blissfully in my ear at least once that night, or else I wouldn't have it on replay in my head. Torturing me relentlessly as I tried to sleep my weekend of grounding away.

By Monday morning, Trevor had gone back to being his chirpy and annoying self, and I wondered deeply why I was even thinking about him at all. By Friday the very same week, things had gone back to normal, and my relationship with the third year was as platonic as ever.

Sigh. What a relief.

Finally, two whole weeks had passed, and things were completely the same as they were the day we began tutoring each other. Trevor gave me tips on how to be more desirable for Jack, and made sure I gave him progress on the way the dark haired boy treated me. Which, by the way, was not going well at all. If I thought Jack didn't like me before, he certainly couldn't stand me now. And I, gave Trevor tips on how to actually pass his classes.

So, here we are now, on the very last Friday of August, two whole months since I had begun tutoring Trevor, and I was glad to say that one, I was not pregnant with future mini Trevor, which means we had not done the deed, and B, things were going better then ever.

So what, if progress between Jack and I had dwindled to nothing? Trevor and I had come up with plan E-2.0, simply because we had exhausted all of the others. I was to forget about Jack, who paid me no mind, and focus my attention on more . . . attainable candidates.

Trevor had become progressively smarter as the months flew by, and I was pleasantly surprised that his overall grade had risen to a C plus. We had been studying at least three days a week after school, and more often than not I would attend his hockey practices and watch from the side lines. Sure, there were rumours going around that Trevor and I were more than friends, but whatever! It didn't matter to us. We knew what we were, and we couldn't for the life of us understand why anyone would question our relationship as anything other then what it so clearly was.

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ