7) One..Two..Three.

Start from the beginning

"Oh Brielle, where are you?" a voice echos around the halls. More doors being opened and steps getting more frantic. Thank god I chose the last door. 

"Yah cant hide forever Brielle. Come out come out wherever yah are." the voice whispers.

Then I hear the 4th door creek open. Then a few seconds later slam shut. I wipe the tears away and pull the clothes on me more. The last door, my door, creeks open slowly causing my body to shake with fear. The foot steps are slow, walking around the room. I hear the books being thrown onto the floor. 

"Shes gota be in ere'" the Irish one says not even trying to whisper anymore.

"Go check the bathroom." a voice sounding like Zayn orders. Niall's steps become louder as they walk past the closet door, I see his shadow, then the steps are harder to hear as he walks to the bathroom creaking the door open more. Cabinets being pulled open and slammed shut, I hear things being thrown around. 

"Shes not in the bathroom." Niall says walking past the closet once more. 

Maybe they wont look in the closet? Just gota stay quiet.

"Niall, go back downstairs and keep an eye on Harry and Liam. Just in case." I hear Louis' demand. Oh no, Louis is with them too. What did they do to Liam and Harry? 

"Zayn, go check the rest of the house for her. Ill continue to look here. Shout for me if you find her." he says. Zayn's steps walk out the room and patter down the stairs. Louis starts to walk slowly around the room.

"Brielle? Don't hide from me love. I wont hurt you." he tries to say in a sweet voice. Yea right. I bet the first thing you will do is try and bite me. 

"I know your here Brielle. I can smell you from all the way downstairs. Don't make me search for you because if I find you, your going to regret it." he hissed.

I don't dare make a sound and stay placed. He would do the same to me if I came out, so there is no use. 

"Brielle. Ill give you one last chance. Come out now, and you wont get hurt." he growls voice getting more loud. I bet he has that fucking smirk on his face. There's a couple seconds of silence until he speaks again.

"Alright. Ill count to three. Then I'm going after you."

My heart begins to beat faster and faster and I grip onto the messy pile of clothes. Dont make a sound.


His steps become louder, as he walks closer to my destination. I hold back the urge to scream and move and remain still.


His steps become more hastily, more things being thrown around and his breath getting louder. Then He stops, his shadow appears threw the bottom opening of the door. My heart thumping so loud I could faint. 


The door swings open. The room light shines around filling the dark closet. I try not to move under the pile of clothes. Hopefully the scent of the clothes overpower mine.

"I can hear your heart beating Brielle." he whispers as clothes get thrown around the closet. Hangers thrown onto the walls with clothes attached. I remain still under the pile and try to get my heart beat low.

"Brielle, I see you." he says in a dark tone. My eyes widen, there is no possible way he can see me! Maybe I put too many clothes on me and it looks suspicious, god Brie you are such an idiot! All the movement in the room stops. Its so quiet I can hear the wind blowing through the windows. My heart starts to race and I shut my eyes tight. I hear a click and the trunk next to me pulls open quickly, Louis curses with frustration. I let out a breath of relief that might of been too loud. Louis' eyes dart over to the pile of clothes I'm under. He grins and walks slowly over to it. He bends down and rips the pile of clothes off me and I scream punching him in the face, fuck that hurt. He grunts and holds me down. 

"Shut up! I gave you a chance to come out, now you will have to be punished for disobeying." he grunts as I kick him in the stomach, which hurt my foot probably more than it hurt him. I continue to scream for Liam as he lifts me up on my feet and throws me out of the closet. I squint in pain and grip my wrists. His eyes are glowing red, his fangs out. He dodges toward me and lifts me back up and slams me against the wall. I gasp and my back stings from the impact. "Liam! Help!" I scream echoing threw the house. 

"Liam cant help you!" he shouts throwing me on the bed. He climbs on top of me holding me down, his eyes are so red it almost hurts to look at them. He smirks at me as I am unable to move because of his strength. "I like it when you challenge me." he teases as he leans in to my neck letting his lips graze over it, he circles his tongue around my neck and groans, giving me goosebumps. He lifts his head up and looks into my eyes with that seductive look.

"Your mine."

*To be continued* 

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