-Maldaptive daydreaming disorder-

Start from the beginning

   His father was always really strict with how much food Techno ate, he said if Techno ate too much food he would become fat and he would lose all his customers because they were so disgusted with the boy. However this seemed positive for Techno because it meant he could visit the boys everyday without his father interrupting him.

   He wasn't the best at talking to people because outside of his mind he never did but for some reason it was really easy to talk to his brother-like figures. At least that's what he thought of them as but he could just be thinking that because he doesn't have siblings.

   Whenever he visited, they would practice building. Mostly random builds like towers, or animals out of wool. One time Wil built a hto dog van as he called it.

   Sometimes they would just go for a walk and enjoy the landscape. Occasionally they would play this game Tommy called speed running. One of them would start running away and the others would give the runner a 10 second head start, then they would chase after the person running and try to catch them. (DUDUDUDU)

   But technos favorite thing to do by far was go to a huge library Wil built and read the books. His father never gave him any books to read because he said, "It would be pointless to waste money on something that doesn't matter." So Techno never learned how to read, or write, or do math equations.

   But he had spent so long here that Phil helped him to be able to read. So basically self taught. (I don't think that's how it works but I'm just saying this to emphasize the fact Technos father doesn't care about him ): )

   He really enjoyed reading this one story about a leader and his right hand man starting a country and fighting for freedom against 3 fearsome warriors. New characters kept being added to the plot but that just made everything super interesting. He had just put down the book at the part when the leader blew everything up and he decided it was probably time to head back to his real life.

   He didn't want to leave but he didn't know his father's schedule so he thought he should go back, at least for a little bit to check on what's going on. When he went back to real life however, he immediately heard someone yelling his name. He flinched and spun around when he realized it was his fathers voice.

   "TECHNO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING I TOLD YOU A GUEST WAS COMING OVER IN 5 MINUTES AND YOUR JUST STARING AT A WALL!" His father shouted. "Sorry father..." he said in a small voice. "You better be, this guest payed double so you better behave." His father said somehow both smirking and glaring at him at the end of his sentence.

He hated life, the only good part was his imagination that allowed him to escape, at least for a couple of hours at a time.

-Longggggg time skip to around 20 years later-

(Annnnnd this brings us back to the beginning flashback, funny how things work like that :] )

TW: this flashback contains attempted murder, one mention of smoking, describing being beat up, coughing up blood
|flashback start|

It had been 18 years on this day... 18 whole years since his father had attacked him and  attempted to murder him. Techno had turned 18 which meant his father had no use for him anymore in his manic little operation.

No one wanted to pay money for an adult, the whole system was about using the children for their profit, and now that Techno wasn't a kid anymore he had no use in the system. Which is why he was to be murdered.

He didn't mind death all that much but the only thing keeping him from letting his father end his life right then and there was because of Phil, Tommy, and Wil. He had become attached to this little world and he didn't want to leave them, so he tried to get away.

Although he made it pretty far because his father was scrawny and weak and had bad lungs because of his smoking problem, techno was also severely malnourished and never went out all 18 years of his life.

His fathers choice of weapon was his fists.

When he first caught Techno he beat him bloody. Swinging punches like no tomorrow. His fists collided with Technos eyes, nose-with an unsettling crack- ribs, gut, and chest. It only stopped when Techno started to cough up blood.

He thought his father had given up for some reason but that little glimmer of hope disappeared when his throat and airflow was constricted by 2 hands.

  "Thought you'd get away that easy huh?" His father said breathing loudly and sending spit on to Technos face. "YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU HAD A CHANCE?" Now he was laughing manically and cackling with delight as he watched his own son struggle under his grasp.
|flashback end|

Tears streaming down his face now. He wanted to be anywhere but here. So he decided to go to his happy place. His escape.

1673 words

If I didn't really explain what maladaptive daydreaming disorder was here are some websites that talk about it:

1. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/maladaptive-daydreaming

2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/digest.bps.org.uk/2018/06/25/people-with-maladaptive-daydreaming-spend-an-average-of-four-hours-a-day-lost-in-their-imagination/amp/

3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053810016300460

Also if anyone is wondering abt Technos mom, she died giving birth :( but I didn't know how to add that into the storyline without it being brief any weird so yeah very sad when that happens in real life and I'm so sorry for all the people that happens to, but I didn't want to make the dad kill her because the point was that she died so Techno didn't have siblings and the father didn't have any more kids to do that too.

Please please please tell me if I got anything wrong in the timeline or about the disorder in general.

Anyways, I spent 3 and a half hours writing and editing this and I'm proud of it so I hope you liked it too

I love you all <3
Thank you for reading
And take some blue: 💙🦋🐳🫐💎

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