Clarity exhaled as she could already start feeling the fatigue kick in.

"Clarity, it looks so great on you!" Yinn was the first one to speak. She clasped her hands together with delight.

"It really does. I didn't expect you to pull it off so well." Jimin agreed slowly.

"Y-you..." Jungkook was at a loss for words as he pointed towards the short-haired girl with shaking pupils.

Yeah. He definitely did not see me as a woman until now.

Clarity silently ascertained her thoughts before turning towards a certain raven haired man, the only person who yet to make a comment. Standing as straight as a pole, Taehyung just stared at her with slightly parted lips, his usual calmness replaced by a look 0f pure befuddlement. Seeing this rare expression coming from him, Clarity subconsciously bit the insides of her cheeks to suppress a smile.

"Since we're all ready, let's go to the main hall," Jimin said as he and Yinn headed towards the entrance. Jungkook, still eyeing Clarity with a dazed expression, snapped out of his trance and quickly trailed after the two.

Shaking her head with a smile, Clarity was about to do the same, only to be stopped by someone grabbing her wrist.

"You can't go out," Taehyung said.


"They're going to be staring at you," he casted his gaze downwards, a look of annoyance tugging at his attractive face. "I don't want them looking at you."

Eyes widening at his straightforward words, Clarity let out a soft chuckle as she looked at Taehyung in amusement.

"There he goes again." Jimin, who was observing all this by the entrance, rolled his eyes. "Whenever this man is with you, he becomes incapable of thought. Miss Clarity, please do something about his current state so he doesn't screw up the plan."

"Jimin, you talk too much." Taehyung replied to the silver-haired man's statement with a glare, and the latter rose his hands in resignation and headed towards the main banquet hall.  

"It doesn't matter if everyone is looking at me," Clarity said, pressing her lips onto his as her eyes curled into a smile. "Because I'll be only looking at you."

"...You're a smooth talker," Taehyung let out a shaky laugh, pressing his palm to his forehead with a helpless smile.

"I know." She grinned.

"By the way, Jimin's wrong."

Clarity blinked at the sudden seriousness in his tone as the raven-haired man finished his sentence.

"I am capable of thought."



As expected from a Bangtan-hosted banquet, the main hall was brimming with extravagance. Numerous representatives from renowned companies were present, cheerfully chatting with one another as they marvelled over the grandiose setting of the event.

Despite being one of the biggest names in the business industry, Bangtan Corporation did not initiate direct any social gatherings nor did they attend them often. This was why when people heard that CEO Kim Seokjin was planning on hosting the banquet himself, prominent figures from the business and underground world alike begun pouring in like desperate bugs all in hopes to become acquainted with the capable man.

Where ever Seokjin went, there would always be a flock of people chasing after him. As a result, it became much easier for the other members to move around without receiving attention themselves.

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