It was a picture of her and Abba on Ya Nabeel's graduation day. Being her father's one and only princess, she made the photographer snap a picture of them together. She was side hugging him while her head rested on his torso as they smiled broadly at the camera.

With the pictures In her hand, she made her way back to the bed and rested her head on the headboard. Her mind then drifted to a particular painful memory of him. A fateful day she can never forget in her lifetime.

Ever since she woke up, she had been having a sinking feeling at the pit of her stomach. Like something bad was going to happen or someone she was close to was in some kind of trouble or some sort. It was just a hunch but even still, the 13 year old just couldn't keep her mind at ease the whole day.

When Ammi noticed someting was off about her, she told her about her gut feeling and Ammi told her not to worry. It was just a gut feeling which is natural and In sha Allah nothing bad was going to happen.

It was a friday and Nabeel was off to his father's company while Abba was at home as he decided to rest the day off and spend time with his family.

Her and Ammi spend the day chatting with him about everything and nothing. Humaira noticed the look of ease on his face and a smile was permanently etched on it. He looked everything fulfilled during their conversations.

He told her stories which some, he has never done before. Stories about his late parents that unfortunately she never got to see any.

They talked, laughed, cried in between laughter, ate and looked everything you would call a 'family goal'. That was a moment she wouldn't ever trade for anything even if she were to go back in time.

Later that day, the call to prayer was called for salatul dhuhur. Abba complained of a headache so Ammi convinced him to pray at home instead of going to the masjid.

Both her and Ammi prayed individually in their rooms while he prayed in the parlour.

Humaira said her azkhar after she was done with her salah and then headed back to the parlour. On reaching there, she saw as Abba was still in sujood. Probably the last raka'ah, she thought.

She sat on a couch near him and after 5 good minutes, he still didn't rise from the sujud. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait for 2 more minutes as panic was slowly eating her up.

The two minutes exhausted and still yet, nothing. By then her mind was full on panic mode.

"ABBA?" She called. "ABBA are you okay? Why are you taking so long?" She kept asking as the little girl she was, wishing he'll rise and say his tashahhud but he didn't even move a wing.

She moved closer to where he was and started shaking him, then it happened. His lifeless body fell on her laps as a result of her not so gentle shakes.

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