chapter 3

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Back at the station

" I think so far naomi has worked hard enough for this case also (y/n) will feel comfortable being with her sister , miss naomi will you like to be the communication source between L and the FBI ?" Mr Robert asked naomi expectantly, naomi was so excited and happy at the opportunity breaking her wide smile she speak "thank you sir I_" but she was interrupted before she could finish her sentence "NO sir I think naomi wouldn't like to meet L and as (y/n)'s guardian she doesn't approve of her younger sister to be involve in this case" mr robert couldn't believe what he just heard "but L asked for (y/n) in this case and since this case's repost was made by miss naomi it's only fair if she goes" .

"I was the one who studied the crime scenes I helped naomi with reports I can go instead and about (y/n), it's not like we have to follow everything L says and its upto (y/n) to decide what she want to do , I am sure she doesn't have a problem with me making this decision for her " everyone turned to look at (y/n) , she look at her feet at this statement  showing her defeat , she smirked as how everything went smoothly as she wanted it to .

Naomi gave raye a disgusted look she was in shock at his statement, everyone shifted their gaze to naomi for her to speak but she didn't uttered a word there were some tears in her eyes 'i can't believe raye would do this he ..he' she walked out of the room without saying anything,  (y/n) was feeling very bad to make her sister cry 'it's not like I had any other choice anyway' she followed her sister to repair some of the damage that have been caused.

"At any case I can't decide unless naomi gives me an answer he told everyone" and was in a conflicted taughts weather to follow naomi or leave her alone for the unexpected behavior of raye he was interrupted when the monitor flashed with the letter L "Mr robert have you decided who is goying to meet me tomorrow? " Robert was confused about what to answer "I have not decided yet ,I am waiting for miss naomi for her reply" the monitor spoke again "I see" raye stepped in "I have visited the crime scenes so I should go besides sir you should know better to involve  a highschool student in this case " mr Robert was conflicted weather what to say.

L stared at the screen with his black orbs 'this must be raye penber he is close to naomi ,this must be (y/n)'s plan she is trying to dodge this meetup , why is she trying to avoid me? Before I talked to her  she was so keen for this case ,what she said only shows she studied it really closely she even mentioned the details I missed it only triggers my curiosity in any case she did a good job but she didn't think it throughout and I will know why she is trying to avoid me ' L focused back on the screen "mr Robert before you make any decisions I wanted to tell you that whoever you choose for this meetup will be staying with us till the case is closed for their own safety and when they visit crime scenes they will be provided security,  so I want you to decide and tell me till 8 sharp" with that the screen was off.

Raye took a breath of relief 'if they will be safe then there is no reason for me to hold back naomi infact I should apologize to her' he walked out to find naomi .

"I..I can't believe how can raye speak like that ,he is so selfish that he is trying to take credit for my work. I didn't expected this from him" naomi spoke with tears in her eyes "all he had to do was ask me If he wanted to go" , (y/n) was feeling really guilty for her actions it was eating her up 'it's for the best , everything will be fine   ,' she will  eventually forgive him, all this is because of  L' she kept telling herself comforting her sister .

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