"Is this okay?" I asked shortly.

He nodded as my head fell to the bed.


I felt guilt in every inch of my body. I let my baby brother believe we don't love him for who he loves. I always knew him and Johnny were close, but I didn't suspect this connection. Though I can say, I'm not totally shocked. If anything, I wish I could say just one thing to Pony right now. That no matter what Darry says, or thinks, I still love him, always. If only it were that simple. It's not. I'm not sure why, but I don't think I could bring myself to say that to him. I don't know why myself.
Darry slammed the phone back into the wall. They aren't with January either, she's not even home.

"Then where the hell could they be?" I raised a hand to my forehead, stressed.

"Hell, like I know!" Darry hit a stack of papers off the counter. I know he's frustrated, but he inflicted this upon himself, I only felt a little bad for saying that, but he probably just sent Pony away forever with what he said earlier. And if that is true, I don't know if I could ever forgive him.

I could tell my thoughts had an effect on my expression when Darry questioned it.

"We'll find him. I know we will. We have to." He swiped his mouth.
Maybe he was regretting ever talking to Ponyboy like that, I hope he did.


A man is dead. I don't even know what happened but now I'm somewhat involved.

"W-where's Johnny?" January stepped in.

"He's gone. He left with Ponyboy." I explained softly.

She seemed almost relieved.

"Jan, what's going on? Please talk to me." I begged.

"I did some things, and I regret them now. I just.. I just really need your help okay? I'll explain everything when things have settled. I promise." She took me by the hands. She seemed genuine. I believed her, even the parts of me that usually doubt her did.
We began walking towards the house party again, people were beginning to leave, the sun was coming up. We didn't have a lot of time if this was going in the direction I suspected it was.

January took my hand as we raced to the nearest bathroom in the house.

"Lock the door." She whispered as she started the shower.
She removed her clothing, leaving only her undergarments and stepped in, red substance escaping from her body. I unlocked the door and stepped out, heading to a bedroom which appeared to be one she was staying in. I grabbed some new dry clothes out of the closet, they looked a little big, but they'll work. I raced back to the bathroom and locked the door back instantly behind me, hoping no one saw. I think there were only a few people left there, maybe friends of Will's, wondering where he is.

When January stepped out of the shower, I passed her a towel which was hanging on the back of the door.

"No more blood." She said, looking more fragile then ever.

"Where's the knife?" I asked most suddenly.

She pointed to the pocket of her blood stained pants. I immediately reached down and snatched it.

"I'll take care of this. Okay?" I wanted to help.

She nodded in agreement as I passed her the new clothes. She smiled, in gratitude. I unlocked the door quietly and stepped out, almost running to the front door.

So suddenly, a figure stopped me.

"Hello." He said.
He was tall, light skin and greased hair.

"A-are you a friend of Will's?" I slickly shoved the knife in my back pocket.

"Certainly." He smiled.

"And you?" He returned.

"Uh, I'm with January. You know her?" I replied, almost terrified of what was coming.

"I do. Say, we're you here earlier?" He asked in major curiosity.

I stopped to think for a moment before replying.

"Uh.. I got here a little while ago." I forced a friendly smile.

"I see, well, I won't keep you." He said as he opened the door for me, I looked back and he was still smiling that mysterious grin.

I rushed away from that house at the most speed one could.


Every moment I spend with Pony felt like heaven on earth, of course, but tonight felt slightly different. Almost, like the end to something. I'm not sure what, but I didn't want the word end in our vocabulary ever. Rain began to pour down yet again, Pony just kept holding onto me, making me feel more loved and needed with every kiss, every mark he left.
And me with him, I hope he thinks likewise. The rain seems to make an appearance every time we are together. It's romantic I think. It's like a big shield from the world, from the people, from everything, having nothing but each other and the moment. At least that's how I thought of it.

Hours went by.

I was sitting by the window, watching thunder and lightning approach, looking back and seeing Pony laying tirelessly on the bed. I smiled. I really love him. And i'll say it over and over again. I love him, I love him, I love him more than anyone i've ever met, more than anyone i'll ever meet.
Pony was awaken by some thunder, he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes and heading in my direction. He sat directly next to me, I was wearing his shirt, leaving him without.

"Aren't you cold?" I shivered a bit.

"No, you're just little!" He said jokingly as he held me.

"Shut up." I giggled.

"How you gonna make me do that?" He replied in flirtation.

I leaned to him and kissed him hard, the rain was pouring down even harder. I placed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his body around mine, fitting together like a perfect puzzle piece. He is my other half, most definitely. I looked up a bit and met his gaze. We both laughed, happy. Truly.

Just friends, best friends -Johnnyboy Where stories live. Discover now