Chapter 18 - Competitive games

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Start of an anxiety/panic attack ———
— Tubbo pov —

Today has been a fairly proactive day. Me, Tommy and Phil went shopping earlier to get some groceries since we had run out of pretty much everything. It wasn't a long trip, but Tommy complained every single step of the way. There was always something to complain about. First it was about the amount of speed bumps we went over on our way to the shops, then about the shopping trolleys (shopping carts) being too far away from the car or about how cold it was in the freezer section. He would find something to complain about and then complain for about 20 minutes before moving onto his next complaint.

Either way, it didn't take long before we finished the shopping and packed it all away in the house. It was just us three in the house. Techno and Wil had gone into school for the first time since we'd been here. The school term just started and we are meant to go in next Monday. I have no idea why, something about enrolling, but we had to get everything sorted for Monday so we could go in. We have pretty much everything now, we got our school uniform handed down to us from Techno and Wil. Our bags were filled with school supplies, books and our planner. All we had to do now is get our timetable and shoes sorted out, which we could get done tomorrow.

The rest of the afternoon we have to ourselves before Techno and Wil get back. So I decide to watch some cartoons while Tommy plays some minecraft on the computer. Every so often he would scream and shout saying 'THAT WAS SO HYPE!' And then go back to being completely focused. I ignored it and watched my cartoons. I got a bit bored of watching cartoons, and wanted to watch Tommy play for a little bit, so I sat down on the bed in a place where I could see the screen. It looked so fun! I never really payed attention to minecraft and I'm sad I didn't because this game looks amazing!
'Hey! Can I have a turn!' I asked jumping off of the bed and move so I'm standing next to Tommy.
'No, I'm playing it right now!' He complained.
'Pleaseee!' I begged as I pull on his arm. He sighed for a second thinking about what to say.
'FINE! But let me create this last cobblestone tower then you can play! Alright?' He said slightly annoyed. I jump up and down in excitement
'Ok!' I say with a big smile on my face.
Tommy took forever to build the tower, he needed a lot of cobblestone and kept dying every time he would jump off of the tower to get some, every once in a while he would land one and shout 'TUBBO DID YOU SEE THAT! THAT WAS SO CLUTCH!'

He finally finished his cobblestone tower and ran back so he could see it. 'That looks amazing, doesn't it Tubbo!' He said proud of himself.
'Yeah, MY TURN!' I said. I got impatient and pushed him off of the chair, taking the controls of the game. I flew around for a bit thinking of things to do, and while I was doing so I found a small village. I flew over to it and looked around in my inventory. Tommy had left the room to get a glass of water. I look back to make sure he had left and immediately started lighting the village with fire. I watched as every single house burnt down to the ground, smiling at what I had done. Tommy came back in and looked over at the screen.
'I didn't start the fire...' I turned around with a smile on my face. Tommy instantly bursted our laughing, falling to the floor. I turn back to the game and saw a bee floating around, so I went up to it. Tommy was still laughing in the background, and kept doing so for a couple of minutes. I followed the bee back to his hive and decided it would be nice to give the bee some friends. I spawned in like 20 bees, gave them all hives and built a small dome around them to keep them safe. I was proud with my creation, for my first time playing it wasn't so bad.

After a while, we both got bored of the game and decided to head downstairs for when Techno and Eil arrived. It didn't take long before they both rushed in through the door.
'Jeez, calm down you two! You'll hurt each other!' Phil exclaimed sarcastically. The two teens giggled a bit before dropping their bags on the kitchen island.
'And these are meant to go where?' Phil asked.
'In our bedrooms' they both mumbled.
'That's right. I don't need as much of a mess out here than it is in your rooms.' This time me and Tommy giggled listening to them mumble in a Phil like voice as they walk up the stairs.
'You two better not give me as much trouble as these two do' Phil said looking at both of us. We both laughed and nodded before walking to the living room and sitting down. The two teens came back down from their rooms and joined me and Tommy in the living room.
'You two do anything fun today?' Wil asked us.
Tommy shook his head,
'I played minecraft for the first time today!' I said excitedly. 'Oh yeah! And how'd you like it?' Wil questioned.
'I loved it!' I exclaimed. 'That's good. What'd you do on it?' He added.
'I burned a fucking village' it went quiet for a second and then everyone bursted our laughing. Tommy fell off is his chair. Wil just flopped over onto the armrest, and Techno just stayed where we was.
I smiled to myself, proud that I made everyone laugh. It took some time for them to calm down, but every so often one of them would burst out laughing again, causing the rest of them to do the same.
After about 10 minutes of on and off laughter, they seemed to get it all out of their system.

We all ended up watching a movie. It was pretty good, I didn't understand most of it but still enjoyed it nonetheless. Sadly, Wil and Techno has to go and do homework, so me and Tommy went back to our room to play some super mario bros on the console. It was so fun, but so difficult. We even had it on easy mode and we were still bad at the game. It took some time before we done well at the game, and even then we still had times where we would mess up. It got really competitive at one point, we kept trying to mess each other up for some reason and it worked relatively well until I nudged  him a little to much and he fell off of the bed and on his arm. I could see the tears fall down his face immediately, and I instantly panicked. I got off of the bed and went over to him. He was crying in pain, holding his arm completely still.
Phil came running in wondering what just happened. He could see Tommy laying on the floor. He gasped a little at the sight. I tried to explain myself but my emotions wouldn't let me speak properly. 'Alright Tommy, we got to go to the hospital. Stay here, I'll get Wil to carry you out to the car. Tubbo go grab Techno and take him to the car with you.' I nodded, tears slowly building up in my eyes."I hurt Tommy..." I thought to myself as I ran to Techno's room. I barge through his door, he jumps in his chair and pulls his headset away from his ears.
'I hurt Tommy...' I said a loud for him to hear. He panicked slightly, quickly shouting to his friends
'GUYS I GOT TO GO. EMERGENCY!' and quickly got off of his game. We both rushed back to our room Techno taking the lead.
'I told you to take Techno to the car Tubbo.' Phil said slightly annoyed.
'S-sorry I forgot, I just w-want to be he-here for T-Tommy' I say being interrupted by my shaky breaths. Phil sighed quickly and spoke up once more. 'Its fine, Techno help me get Tommy to the car will ya?!' He said looking up at Techno. Techno immediately swooped in, grabbed Tommy as carefully as possible and took him to the car.
'Tubbo go get Wil and bring him to the car please. Phil said following behind Techno grabbing a couple of coats. I run off to Wil's room, also barging into this one. 'Tommy hust... car now.' I said not being able to get full sentences out. He pushed his guitar off of his lap and ran right past me, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

We all climb into the car, Tommy still crying in pain in the front seat. My thoughts just kept repeating.
"I hurt Tommy" over and over again gradually getting louder and louder until it is the only thing I can hear.


I hope you enjoy this chapter, I want to do more things like this, where it's just explaining the day and then something happens or the other way around. I feel like it's a nice way to fill up chapters in a way... if that makes sense.

Anyways, I have heard some feedback from some people saying that the link for my discord/twitch/YouTube is kinda glitchy/temperamental so I'd just like to say that all then links are in my profile bio. So you can goto my profile and use the link there.

I am very thankful for everyone that is supporting my twitch/YouTube. It means a lot to me. I do hope to be as big as Tommy or Tubbo some day, so every bit of support and love is appreciated more than I can put into words. I will continue to grind everyday to make you smile atleast once a day. And honestly, the best place for me to do that is on twitch since I am a lot dumber live than I am while writing this.

So please, take a look at my twitch, come and hang out one night while I'm live and leave a follow! My  youtube is also a good thing to check out, I am uploading every single stream and video I make I to the channel so please go check it out and subscribe. SUBSCRIBE TO JUST_JAKE!

Anyways, that's about it. I hope you have a good day/night. And like always, if you have any questions/comments/concerns or advice feel free to leave a comment or message me and I'll be happy to answer them!

I love you all!

Jake :)

Word count: 1560 words.

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