Chapter 15 - Theme park 1/3

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Hi! Quickly before this starts, I have made my discord and it is ready for all you lovely people to join. Like I said before this is a discord for both my twitch/YouTube and so people can use it to find more stories, promote their own or suggest stories. But please, if you are going to join. Don't just do it to promote your story, imagine the discord was a popular content creator like Tommy or Tubbo. Follow my YouTube/Twitch, invite others, talk to people, make friends, suggest stories.
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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Eating Disorder ———

Tommy pov —

I couldn't sleep, not after what happened last night and during the day. It was all too much to go to sleep.
-BEEP BEEP BEEP- I look over at the alarm seeing its already morning time and quickly lunge to turn it off so Tubbo didn't wake up. Luckily I caught it before he did. I sighed, taking a second before slowly wiggling my way out of Tubbo's arms and got out of bed. I substituted myself for his bee plushie in his arms, so that he had something to hold onto. He looked peaceful, which was good to see, definitely after yesterday. I let out another big sigh, turning towards the desk and picking up my clothes and heading to the bathroom to get changed into them. It was quiet around the house, everyone was either asleep or just keeping to themselves.

I quickly got changed and made my way back to the room. Tubbo was still asleep, but he had flipped over and is now facing the other way. "I should let him sleep a little longer, he doesn't take long to get ready so he can get up in like 10 minutes" I thought to myself. I nodded to agree with what I just thought and turned back out the room and down the stairs.
I sat down on the sofa in the living room and put the TV on making sure the volume was low so it wouldn't wake anyone up.
"What can I watch" I said in my head, scrolling through the TV guide. There's not much on, just a few cartoons that I don't like and then the news channel, so I decided to switch the TV off and get a glass of water.
'Mornin Tommy' Wil said creeping up on me. I jumped a little bit, not expecting that at all.
'Oh sorry, did I scare ya?' He continued on chuckling to himself. 'Yeah, don't do that again, that wasn't nice.' I said whisper yelling. I walked past him and to the kitchen to get my glass of water.
'You excited for today? The theme parks amazing!' Wil exclaimed.
'Uhh yeah sure... haven't been to a theme park before.' I answered.
'Wait really?!? Like never?' He questioned, genuinely confused.
'Uh, no... I was never allowed out of the house for anything other than school... for the first two houses.' I said rubbing my neck awkwardly.
'Oh... uh. Well it's going to be amazing!' He said breaking the awkward silence. A new pair of footsteps came from the stairs. Techno appeared in sight, rubbing his eyes as if he had never seen light before. 'Oh, you two are up. Bout time.' He mumbled walking over to me and making himself a glass.
'Have you been to sleep yet?' Wil asked slightly worried.
'Yeah sure...' Techno answered.
'Techno... have you?!' He pushed.
'Maybe like an hour or so...' Techno said turning and staring into Wil's eyes.
'Better than nothing I guess.' Wil said giving up with the conversation. I took a sip of the water and placed it onto the island.
'Imma go wake up Tubbo and get him ready.' I said walking towards the stairs. Both Wil and Techno groaned in agreement. Walking up the stairs, I sigh a little. "I've really never been to a theme park" I thought to myself. Opening the door I could see that Tubbo had flipped back over on the bed, with his bee plushie still in hand. I walk over to the bed and sit at the end, leaning over and slightly shake Tubbo.
'Hey Tubs... you gotta wake up. It's morning time.' I say quietly. He mumbled a little after I said that, but didn't wake up. I try once more, a little louder and he wakes up a little annoyed.
'I was having a good dream...' he muttered.
'I'm sorry Tubs, but we gotta start getting you ready. Its nearly time to go to the theme park.' I say with a smile on my face. He smiles back at me, but with a much bigger smile.
'Oh yeah! Oh my god, I gotta get ready!' He said jumping out of bed. I giggle to myself seeing him this excited. He ran over to the desk grabbing his clothes and then running towards the door.
'Slow down Tubs, you'll hurt yourself' I say as he's running out of the door.
After a few minutes he runs back in,
'Can you help me do my hair' he says as quickly as possible. I nodded and followed him to the bathroom, doing his hair for him. He turns to run out the door before I stop him and hand him the deodorant. 'You always forget this Big Man.' I say.
'Yeah yeah...' he mumbled back at me a little grabbing the deodorant out of my hands.

We both walk out of the bathroom, I grab Tubbo's hand and we both walk down the stairs to the kitchen. 'Good mornin Tubbo.' Wil said, smiling at the both of us. Techno looked over a modded at us before going back to whatever he was doing.
'Good morning!' Tubbo replied, with a big smile on his face. 'You excited for the trip?' Wil asked.
'Yeah! I'm so excited!' He answered. I picked up my glass of water with my other hand and took a sip of it just listening Tubbo and Wil talk about the theme park. Phil came down the stairs looking very tired, with his hair completely messed up. He stopped at the end of the stairs, letting out a big yawn and then made his way towards us all.
'That's good, we're all up.' He said stopping at the island. 'Got everything we need?' He asked us all.
'Uh yeah... I'm pretty sure we do. You packed the food and towels right?' Wil questioned.
'Wait... we need towels?!' I said confused.
'Oh yeah... I packed towels for you two don't worry. And yes I did pack the food.' Phil answered letting a smile appear on his face. 'Alright, go and get anything else you want and then come back down here and we can get going' Phil said gesturing to the car. Both Wil and Techno ran off to their rooms, while me and Tubbo stayed downstairs with Phil.
'You boys not gonna get anything else?' Phil asked.
We both shook our heads. 'Alright, well you two can take this bag and go get ready in the car.' We both nodded grabbing the bag and the keys to the car and made our way out the front door. I unlocked the car, opening the back door for me and Tubbo to climb in, placing the bag on the floor in front of me. I let Tubbo have the window seat again, so he could stare out the window while we were driving.

We both sat in the car for a while, waiting for the rest to join us. It didn't take long before Wil and Techno came running out the front door and towards the car.
'I CALL FRONT SEAT' I heard Wil yell who was slightly behind Techno.
'That's unfair, I'm closer!' Techno argued.
'Rules are rules.' Wil replied sticking his tongue while running to the front seat. Phil walked out behind the two, shaking his head while keeping a smile on his face. Techno opened the door and jumped in next to me. Phil took his time getting to the car, opening it and jumping into the driver seat.
'Everyone set?' He asked while turning on the engine. Everyone nodded in agreement.
'Alright. Seatbelts on.' He said putting the car into reverse.


Hi! I hope you enjoy this chapter. It is short I know. I'm trying to get it back up to a longer length but I've given myself a lot of things to do. So bear with me. Another chapter will come out a bit later!

I would like to add that I am streaming today, so please come and join, hang out for a bit and leave a follow! To know when I go live, join the discord (link is above)

Thank you all so much for the reads and nice comments. It means the world to me! I love you all so much.

Like always, please do leave and questions/comments/concerns or advice. I am always happy to hear/answer them.

I love you all!

Jake :)

Word count: 1382 words

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