Chapter 11 - Nightmare

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Nightmare/Panic Attack ———

— Tubbo pov —

I woke up earlier than normal. It wasn't by choice, Tommy was shaking and talking in his sleep. He was having another nightmare...
He never told me what they were about, but from what he said in his sleep I could guess what it was about. But knowing Tommy, it could be a mix of the things we've been through. I didn't want him to go through it anymore so I decided to wake him up by shaking him slightly and calling his name. It took a little while before he actually did wake up.

— Tommy pov —

Everything was dark. I could hear the screams of my parents in the distance... I was in a void of darkness just listening to the screams. I couldn't move. I couldn't run. They were in pain. In so much pain, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't see them, help them or even talk to them. They just got louder and louder by the second. It sounded like someone was screaming through a megaphone right into my ears, and I was forced to stay still. My vision started to blur as tears started to build up in my eyes and slowly fall down my cheek.

I didn't realise the screaming had stopped. I was crying so much that everything just phased out of reality. But the painful screams had gone. The void filled with nothing but my shaky breaths.

'It was all your fault Tommy.' I heard from my right. I tried turning to see who said that. But I still couldn't move.
'You let us burn... you left us. Your own parents Tommy.' I knew who it was...
'You left us in that house... left us to burn. LEFT YOUR OWN PARENTS IN THAT HOUSE...' my dad shouted at me.
'Tubbo. Tubbo has no parents. Because of you.' My mum said.
I could still feel the tears running down my face... I open my mouth to try and talk but nothing came out. I tied so much. But nothing could.
'You're the reason why Tubbo is living like this.' My mum said appearing from the void.
'You're the reason why he's been abused. Why he's had to go through this much pain and suffering. Its all because of you.'
She dissolved into thin air... leaving me back to the endless void.
'Tommy. You are the reason we are dead.' My father spoke softly.
'D-dad please... I tried. I t-tried getting to you. Please... I tr-tried. Dad... yo-you've got to believe me. I tried so h-hard... please... don't leave. please... I tried...' I cried.
'I h-had to get T-Tubbo out of there. Th-they wouldn't l-let me back in... they h-had to let the h-house burn' I fell to my knees.
'P-please dad... you know I-I-I tried...'
'You didn't try hard enough boy.' He said with anger in his face.
'I did...'
'You're not my son. My son would have tried harder. But you. You just let us burn. Tubbo is my son! He would've tried.'

'WE DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO, WE WERE TOO YOUNG' I yelled at my father, tears pouring down my face.
'You've disappointed me Tommy.' My father said walking back into the void.
'I... I tried...' I said, still on my knees. Tubbo... I let Tubbo down. I gave him this life. He's had to go through so much abuse. So much trauma. Because of me. Everything that has happened. Was all my fault.

I close my eyes... trying to stop the tears from falling. It didn't work so I shut them tighter and tighter until it did, until I could see. I was no longer in the void. The darkness. I was standing in the middle of a street. It was the street of the first house me and Tubbo got adopted. This was the first time we were abused. It wasn't so bad at first. But it got worse and worse as time went on. We lived in this house for about a year. We were only allowed out once a day, and that was for school. Once we got back home we were expected to do all the chores, cook dinner and our homework within a 3 hour time frame. And if we didn't... we got beat. Which happened a lot. Everything had to be immaculate. If there was a single spec of dust in the house, we wouldn't be able to walk properly for a few days. If the food wasn't done correctly or if the presentation sucked we had to survive off of that one meal for a week. It was crazy. But we did it. We got through it. The only reason we got out of there was because one day, they beat me just a little to hard and we had to goto hospital.
I could see the house... a small, two story, brick house with two windows on the front and a plain white door. It looked a little more rundown than it did before, but it was definitely the same house. I remember one time me and Tubbo tried running away from this place... we didn't get far. We had left when our two adoptive parents had gone shopping. We hid in a wooded area that was fairly close by happy that we got away. But in no less than 20 minutes they had found us and took us back home. Turns out they put trackers in our bags and shoes so that they knew where we were at all times. I know this now because I over heard them talking about it the night we ran.

Adopting Tubbo & Tommy AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin