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Hi! It's been a while since I've done... well anything with this story. For those who have forgot what happens in this story, I'll do a quick little recap.

In the beginning, Tommy and Tubbo are found in a school that also acts as an adoption centre for young children. They have been there for quite some time, being in and out of abusive households. Ranboo, who is their friend (also kind of their big brother) is also in the adoption centre protecting them from certain people (especially Tommy cause he likes to get into fights) and gets "paid" by them in biscuits.

Tommy and Tubbo are told that they have a meeting with a family who might want to adopt them, so they go to their room after breakfast and get ready. After some time, they go and meet this family of three. This is the first time we meet Philza, Wilbur and Techno.

Everything goes well (after some time) and they get adopted by them! (Pog!) they are confronted by their bullies one last time but Techno stands up for them and scares the bullies away. Phil takes them all home, getting McDonald's along the way. Tommy and Tubbo find out that their house is MASSIVE, and already love this over the other households, even though they don't know them that much.

Over the next few weeks, they decorate their room together after going to the shops (and Tommy having a panic attack ass well as age regresses). Tommy runs away almost immediately, and is caught by homeless dream (I unintentionally put that in xD) and is returned home to a surprised Phil. They meet "new people", those being Dream (once again)  George, Sapnap, Nikki and Eret, as well as a familiar face, Ranboo (who was adopted by Eret so the brothers could have someone familiar with them, that's if I remember correctly xD)

Later that night Tommy has a conversation with Techno, about how him and Tubbo are now family and Techno will do anything to protect them.

Later LATER that night, Tommy ha a massive nightmare about his parents and his previous adoption homes, remembering all the abuse that he and Tubbo got from them. Waking up (giving Ranboo some trauma) and scaring both Tubbo and Techno.

The next few days include a lot of age regression for Tommy, as well as finding out that Phil, Wil and Techno knew both of them before adopting them, as they were friends with both them and their parents. Needless to say they didn't react so well and became mad at them.

Once they forgave all of them for keeping this 'secret' from the two of them, they were taken to a nearby theme park, with Dream, George, Sapnap, BadboyHalo and Skeppy. Tubbo, gets lost in this theme park and gets terrified, so he curls up into a ball and cries waiting for the rest to find him (they do find him)

Tommy and Tubbo get real competitive playing some games, so much so that Tommy breaks his arm. (It was a bit of a weird way to break an arm but just go with it xD) so they goto the hospital and get the doctors to cast it up. Once they get home and settled into bed, Phil is weird and says it was a good day even though they had to goto the hospital for Tommy's broken arm.

School time! But it doesn't go well.... Tommy gets beaten up on the first day of school, and age regresses in the middle of lunch. So they get sent home. Phil has a small talk with Tommy about age regressing before Tommy gave up either the conversation. Phil decides to take them both out of school and home school them until they are ready to go back.

(Trigger warning: self harm)

They are both homeschooled for a month or so, giving time for Tommy to heal from the injuries. They also go check the injuries at the hospital to see that they are getting better. One night, Tommy eats a bit too much for comfort and decided to go and throw it all back up. He also finds a pack of razors and ends up using one to harm himself and hides it from everyone else.

Over the next few weeks Tubbo gets mad at Tommy for blowing up his beehive in minecraft. (Which is a bit excessive but STORY) so he ends up giving Tommy the silent treatment for a couple of days. Until Tommy suddenly regresses and begs for Tubbo. Tubbo takes care of Tommy pushing his annoyance out of the way and makes sure that little Tommy is cared for and feels safe.

AND that is where we left off! I hope that helps and reminds you of the story, as of where it was left. If you want to get a better idea, feel free to go back and read it all!

I know there's a lot of you who love it and would love for me to continue the story (WHICH I WILL BE DOING!) it's just... a lot of things have happened since I last updated this. In a quick explanation, I essentially have a following of 237 followers on twitch, I am affiliated with twitch as well. I now have a dog, called Didi. She is the cutest little baby gremlin ever (she is around a couple months old). I got into and out of a relationship (yes it was a quick relationship but meh). Had several breakdowns and I have turned nocturnal xD.
That's about it. It's been a weird few months to say the least. BUT! What I am here to say today is that I am going to try and bring this back a bit more often, so as a sort of returning chapter I am making the next chapter a LONGGGG one, as a return gift. It might be a while before the next chapter comes out again, but I hope this update keeps you to the story. I do plan to keep this story going for at least a few more chapters... hopefully to about 50 chapters, but we'll see.

Thank you all for the amount of reads, comments, votes and what not. It means a lot to me. I do read every if not most of the comments, and all the kind words mean the world to me. Thank you all so so much. So hopefully you like the next chapter and it brings you back to the story.

- Jake

Adopting Tubbo & Tommy AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora