〔˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥〕Sick Children

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It is the start of Friday and Kenma wakes up feeling dizzy...
He gets ready to go to school and see the lovely face of his girlfriend, Y/n.

"You 'kay?"

"What do you mean Kuroo?"

"Your face is like pale-pale."

"I'm fine. I think it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night gaming."

"How many hours did you sleep for?"

"Uhh... 4" *yawn* "hours??"

"You didn't sleep at all did you?"

"Nope. Not. At. A-"


The world was spinning around him and he sees Kuroo bending over him.

"Kenma! Kenma! Can you hear me?!"

His legs feeling weak, he plops down.

Then blacks out.

----Timeskip at school, recess

"Hey Kuroo!" Y/n said as she waved to the third year.

"Sick, with a fever."


"Kenma. You're here to ask about him right?" Kuroo asks. "Kenma's sick with a fever, he fainted as we walked to school together this morning."

"He fainted?"

"Yep. I think it is because he had been staying up all night for the past few days."


"Yep, no sleep at all. Could you go to class 2-3's teacher for the homework then give it to Kenma later after school?"

"Aren't you guys neighbours?"

"Volleyball practice."

"Okay then! I've got nothing to do" without kenma... "so I might as well go get it now!"


So this is Kenma's class. It's usually him that comes over to mine.

"Hey, you're Kenma's girlfriend right?"

"Y-Yes! I came here to get his homework!" Kenma's girlfriend... Y/n blushed a bit.

"Here is his homework for the day then."

"Thank you! Bye!"

----Timeskip after school

Kenma paused his game and reached over to his phone which was ringing on the bedside table. He answered the call.


"Kenma! Kuroo told me about how you fainted in the morning. I'm coming over to take care of you!"

"Ok-okay! I'll get the door for you when you come."

"I'll ring the doorbell!"


He put down his phone back where it was before and looked around.... He saw his room in a huge mess. Clothes laying here and there, His switch just laying there on his chair. Laptop open. It was a horrifying sight.

Shoot! I better clean up before she gets here!


dInG doNg~

"H-hey Y/n" he said, gesturing her to come in.

"Hey Ke-"

His head dropped by her shoulder, his face burning up.

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