Let's Get the Fuck Out Of Here

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TW: Running Away, Depression, Feeling Unaccepted, Implied Rape, and Kidnapping- If these things trigger you, DO NOT READ THIS STORY!

(Inspired, by an episode of the Twilight Zone I saw and my own Intrusive thoughts and experiences.)




Cold winds blew across my face, making my cuts sting and my teeth chatter. The forest floor was covered with snow and sticks, but It was the only place I was safe from Him. He was chasing me. Everywhere I went, he followed. Every time I hid, he found me. He was inescapable. I don't know what's going to happen if he catches me, but I have a feeling it's nothing good. He's going to hurt me. He's going to rob me. He's going to kill me. I don't fucking know, all I know is that I'm not safe. 

I heard his footsteps behind me, they were close. I got up and ran as fast I could. I could hear him laughing and screeching and following me. I wasn't going to make it. I wasn't going to make it. I'm not going to make it. 

I ran as fast as I could, without looking back, without looking down, or up or sideways. I didn't care where I was going or what I was heading towards, all I cared about was getting away from him. I want to die, but not like this. I control my life, death and everything in between. 

Suddenly, I felt my foot hitting something thick on the ground and my face plummeting into the cold, icy, snow below me. 

I felt like I couldn't breath, my brain felt like it was exploding and I felt something warm dripping down my face. It was coming quick and I couldn't stop it. Everything tasted very salty. Everything felt like it was out of focus. I looked up and I saw that I had tripped on a stray tree root. I suddenly got a sudden spur of dizziness, and as much as I wanted to lay down and never get up, I knew that if  I did, He would catch me and that couldn't happen. That was the only thing I was sure of. I stood up and immediately felt like I was going to fall back down. However, something firm and cold held me up by my shoulders. It felt safe, like it was going to protect me from the outside world, but it also felt sinister, like trusting it was the biggest mistake I'd ever make. I don't know how I got all those emotions from one firm hold on my shoulder, but the minute I looked up, I knew why. 

It was Him. He had caught up to me. He was holding me down. I tried to struggle, but he kept me planted on my same exact spot on the ground. I could hear the wind howling next to my ears and I knew that I wouldn't be leaving this forest. 

"Hey Georgia, where are you going, babe? You know you can't survive without me. Without me, you mean nothing. Without me, you are worthless. Without me, you would be dead by now" He said with a gravely voice, that sent chills down my spin, and made me feel like someone was scraping my ears out with a knife. 

"Come back, Georgia. Come back willing" He said and then his voice hit a completely different octave, that sounded like he was speaking from the back of his throat. From a place, you should never hear " Or I'll make you."  


I sat up straight in my bed, covered in sweat, head pounding and breathing heavy. My eyes burned, like I had been crying throughout the night. My throat felt dry, like I had been screaming. I scrambled to get my glasses. They were on the side table and I needed to see. I needed to know where I was. I got my glasses on and looked around and let out a heavy, but not completely easy breath. I was in my room. My room that was picked out and made for me, since before I was born. The room that represented everything I wasn't. It was better than a bitter cold murder forest, but not much. 

That was fourth nightmare I've had this week, and every single one went something similar to that. Always the same plot, of running through the woods, being chased by something or someone (I still didn't know) and being sabotaged by something. Sometimes I would trip, sometimes I would get stuck in the mud, sometimes I would hit my head and fall. No matter what though, I was always captured. I never got passed that though, I always woke back up after he finally caught up to me. I would wake up to the same room, same life, and the same person. Sometimes when I woke back up, I wish I could've stayed in the dream. At least in the dream, I'm only running away from one thing, not everything. 

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