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'y/n are you feeling okay?',

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'y/n are you feeling okay?',

Cristina asked me, I nodded my head slightly,

'yeah I think I just need to sit down for a minute',

I said going to sit down but I began to fall even quicker, soon enough my head hit the ground,


I heard Cristina yell, my head slightly bounced on the ground as I saw Cristina quickly move so she was on the ground next to me leaning over the top of me,

'y/n! y/n! Come on stay with me',

Cristina said trying not to panic, she began to listen to my breath,

'someone help me over here!',

Cristina yelled, I felt myself fully come conscious, Cristina looked extremely panicked,

'y/n what's going on? tell me what hurts!',

Cristina said I could see the tears in her eyes from the panic. I slowly moved my hand to my abdomen,

'what the heck is going on here?',

I heard someone yell, I realised it was Bailey,

'she just collapsed',

Cristina said sounding concerned. I was quickly moved onto a gurney,

'Y/n stay with me',

Cristina said as they wheeled me through the halls. I was pushed into a room and immediately hooked up to monitors,


I stuttered out still drifting in and out of consciousness, Cristina put an oxygen mask on me,

'somebody page Sloan!',

Bailey yelled,

'Let's get the ultrasound in here',

Bailey yelled and it was quickly bought into the room, Bailey pulled up my scrub top and put the gel on. Bailey began to move the wand around,

'y/n it looks like your in kidney failure',

Bailey said slightly confused,


Cristina asked slightly confused as she began to put an IV in. I lifted my mask off slightly,

'Hypertensive nephrosclerosis',

I stuttered out saying the condition that literally no one knew I had,

'high blood pressure which damages the tissue in the kidneys',

Cristina said sounding slightly amazed, I nodded my head and put the mask back on,

'I'm sorry to tell you this y/n but you need a kidney transplant ASAP',

Bailey said, I nodded my head. I went to speak but Mark walked through the door,

'what happened?',

Mark asked extremely concerned walking into the room. He quickly walked over to me, he grabbed my hand and began to look at my vitals,

'her kidneys are failing',

Cristina said bluntly. Mark nodded his head,

'Her Doctor said she had a few more months before her kidneys would fail',

Mark said, Bailey looked at us in disbelief,

'were you guys ever going to tell me?',

Bailey asked, I shook my head slightly,

'we were just going to go on vacation when she needed the surgery',

Mark said, Bailey sighed slightly,

'does that mean you have a kidney donor lined up?',

Bailey asked, I shook my head at her. Mark's grip on my hand got tighter,

'I'm not a match',

Mark said slightly disappointed, I squeezed his hand trying to tell him it was okay,

'I think I will be',

Cristina said looking up from my chart, Mark looked at her slightly shocked,

'would you donate?',

Mark asked letting go of my hand, Cristina nodded her head slightly,

'Yang you are now my favourite person in the world other then y/n'.

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