"Okay. I'll just head out to my hospital pharmacy and pick it up for you."

"You're the best, Camz. I love you."

"I love you more, and don't forget, dinner at my place tonight. I'll be waiting for you."

"I won't forget."

"Alright. Bye, baby."

"Bye—Lauren smiled, ending the call—So, what's with the sudden change in the schedule? Where are we headed?"

"Well, I've set up a lunch meeting for you with one of the top journalists in Sacramento. They would like to do a biographical sketch on you."

"Oh, Simon, I don't really want to do anything like that."

"It'll be good for you. Remember how successful the Sports Illustrated cover story went?"

"Yeah, but they didn't talk about my life. It was just my day to day stuff only involving my career."

"That's true, but this exclusive interview is a good way for your fans to get more personable with you. They will get to know better."

"Can't I just be a superficial bitch like all the the rest?" Lauren whined.

Simon gave her a look and the dark haired rolled her eyes.

"Alright, fine. I'll do it. I just wish you had warned me about this sooner. I could have told Camz about it."

"I'm sorry, Lauren. This just came up and we can't miss those windows..."

"Of opportunity."

The green eyed finished for him.

Simon eyed her like an annoyed father.

"I know. Who exactly is supposed to be interviewing me anyway?"

"Oh, you might know her. Her name is Jasmine Hayworth."

Lauren's ears perked up, hearing the journalist name.

Well, that's just great.

The basketball player thought to herself.

In the next ten minutes they had reached their destination. The driver pulled up to an expensive and elegant looking restaurant. In fact, Lauren knew the place well. She had taken many of her dates over the years to this restaurant.

She stepped out of the vehicle and turned around when she heard the car door close behind her. Simon rolled down the window looking at his client.

"Aren't you coming?" Lauren asked, with a bemused expression.

"No, you don't need me for this. Plus, Ms. Hayworth preferred to speak with you alone."

"Did she?" Lauren replied, pushing her shades further up on the bridge of her nose.

Simon gave her a casual smile.

"I'll see you in an hour or two. Have a good meeting."

"Yeah, thanks." The green eyed said with a lack of enthusiasm.

As soon as she entered the restaurant, a maître d' led her to a back VIP table. Jasmine Hayworth sat in a booth waiting for her. Her face lit up in a smile when she spotted the basketball player heading her way.

Jasmine stood from the table a put out her hand. She was dressed in a grey business skirt suit and her makeup was perfect as usual.

"Lauren. Thank you for meeting me here at such late notice." The reporter greeted, shaking Lauren's hand.

Stronger Than Us (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now