(2) Lost The Game

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Short chapter, but the next one is going to be longer! I promise!

(ノ'ヮ')ノ*:・゚✧ Enjoy !


Katsuki's P.O.V.

What was Deku doing here?

My mouth was still hanging open, and I quickly closed it. I had no idea what Deku was doing here and the confusion made me uncertain. I hate not knowing what's what and why things were happening. I need control and this I cannot control. 

By biting the inside of my cheek I distracted myself from the feeling.

I put on an annoyed and grumpy expression to conceal any possible emotion which might reveal my irritation and interest in Deku's appearance.

All my senses were focused on Deku in front of me, my eyes scanning him carefully.

His Head bowed, hands clenched into fists and his shoulders were hunched and tense. But the most significant and probably most unsettling part was that he was trembling. He was visibly trembling with his whole body.

My previous expression faded, a slight panic and shock took the place instead. Something must have happened. Yes, Deku sticks like glue to me even when I pushed him away in the past. Yes, he cries more than he'd like to admit himself. And yes, he is annoying as hell, but he wouldn't just come here for nothing.

 My lips parted as I looked at his trembling shoulders.

"What in the world..." I whispered out loud, completely unintentionally. I bit my tongue before any other words could escape my mouth.

Deku flinched and moved his head sideways. His hair cast a shadow on his face, so I couldn't see his eyes. Only his quivering lip which he captured with his front teeth. Rolling back and forth.

An awful feeling spread like hot lava through my whole body. Starting from my stomach to my chest till it reached my fingers. The same feeling when a mission goes wrong and citizens or heroes get hurt.

Worries and fright clouded my thoughts.

Get a fucking grip on yourself!

I put on a blank expression showing Deku that his childlike puppy eyes didn't affect me. At least on the outside. My heart though skipped a beat but fuck me if I'm going to waste time analysing it!

I gulped and whispered hushed trying to hide my distress behind my harsh words:

"What the heck are you doing Deku? It's fucking 3 in the morning. Are you out of your goddamn mind?! We have school tomorrow. Are you having some kind of death wish-"

He took a sudden step forward before snapping his head up. There wasn't much light and I fucking wished there wasn't one at all now because it revealed those emerald green eyes, sparkling and shimmering with big tears.

His eyes found mine and...


Sadness was the first word I thought of when I saw his eyes. His eyes were full of sadness. 

I was drowning in his eyes the moment they looked at me.

My heartbeat picked up after every second which passed by. I felt paralysed.

He took another step forward, and I could feel radiating heat coming from his still-trembling body. He opened his mouth and whispered with a broken and dry voice,

"All Might died."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in the whole time.


𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 (𝗕𝗞𝗗𝗞)Where stories live. Discover now