Wrong Number -{Kogagoshi}

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Semi was just finishing the conclusion of his physics essay late at night, tapping away at the computer in his dorm. It wasn't due for a week, but it was better to have it done so he could focus solely on volleyball. Typing in the final key, his phone buzzed with a notification and Semi frowned.

Who the hell was texting him now?

He picked up his phone and opened his new messages, looking for the text. Then he froze, staring at his screen. Two things raced through his mind. One, this wasn't meant for him. Two, who the hell would Goshiki be sending that text to?

Tsutomu: if the dorm walls weren't so thin, id sneak you into school every night

Semi looked at it and then clicked away from Goshiki's' contact, opening up Tendou's' instead.

SemiSemi: Tendou

gUeSsMoNsTeR: yeEeeseEEeEEEsssSsSSSssssSssSSsSS????????????

SemiSemi: I think Goshiki just texted me accidentally

gUeSsMoNsTeR: wtf does this have 2 do with me

SemiSemi: As his unofficial overprotective parent I thought you'd want to know what he sent

gUeSsMoNsTeR: oH nO

gUeSsMoNsTeR: was it a nOoD!???!!!!!?!!!!!!?

SemiSemi: No tf

gUeSsMoNsTeR: gotta make sure

SemiSemi: But it did talk about sneaking someone into his dorm if the walls weren't so thin

gUeSsMoNsTeR: ...................

gUeSsMoNsTeR: i gotta murder someone now

gUeSsMoNsTeR: who do i have to murder, whos touching my bby

SemiSemi: I don't know he hasn't said anything other than that

As he said that, a notification appeared on his screen from Goshiki. Semi clicked on it with slight hesitation, reading the message that had been sent through.

Tsutomu: Semi that wasn't meant for you I'm so sorry!

Tsutomu: please don't tell anyone i didn't mean to send that!

Semi read the messages, thought about not telling anyone, decided it was too late and then texted Tendou again.

SemiSemi: He's realised he sent it to the wrong person

gUeSsMoNsTeR: who did he mean to send it to

SemiSemi: I'll ask

Tuning out of the conversation with Tendou, he saw Goshiki had spammed him with frantic messages and Semi prepared to read them all.

Tsutomu: I'm sorry

Tsutomu: i'll do extra laps during practice!

Tsutomu: please don't tell anyone

Tsutomu: I didn't mean to send that

SemiSemi: Who was it meant for???

Tsutomu: do i have to answer that?

SemiSemi: As your upperclassman, yes, yes you must

Tsutomu: it was meant for someone

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