Chapter 5

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"how would you feel when your mother always tells you that you are a disappointment to her name? How will you feel when your mother would forbid you to visit your father? How would you feel when she will beat you half to death?" Mal asked the stunned crowd but nobody answered.
Queen Leah only had a frown on her face and nothing else.

"Do you know how much it hurts when your mother burn your hand to a great extent, or when she use a fork to wreck your skin on your back. I know how it feels because my mother, the cold hearted monster, we call the mistress of all evil, did this to me. This is nothing new for me." Mal shouted.

Ben's faced showed both concern and anger and hades hair lit up red. Everyone else paled except for the oblivious queen.

"Do you know what type of punishments my mother gave me, they were like, she chained me up and then use a knife to cut open my skin on the back, then use screw driver to screw it open, and then let me bleed to death" mal said.
"Claudine frollo, only knew about this punishment, and once she asked me that how am I alive? I told that I was too stubborn to die or got used to it by then" mal said

"Do you know how much it hurts when your mother orders the other villains like Jafar, Cruella , evil queen and Gaston or ursula to beat you up?" Mal said

"Our parents/they did what" the cour four, uma, Gil along with hades and ben said that.

"Yes, it was among one of my punishments" mal said.
"That was the day when I helped you" mal directed towards Carlos.

You getting beaten that day was all my fault" Carlos sobs, turning to bury his face into Jay's chest. Everyone turned towards him.

"Hey no no, don't think like that Carlos"Mal says soothingly, moving to rub her friend's back.

"But it was! If she hadn't let me out of my mom's closet and yelled at her Maleficent wouldn't have beat her!" he sobs and  all gasp in horror.

"Your mom locked you in a closet?" Aziz asks in horror, moving away from his parents to go to his distraught  friend.

"The one where she keeps her furs" he sniffs, not looking at him.

"Mal came over to see how I was doing when my mom wasn't home and I started screaming for her to help me" he sobs as he removes his head from Jay's chest and all of the auradonians feel their heart break as they see the tears in his eyes.

"She..she had to kick in the door and I just fell into her arms sobbing and she just held me the whole time saying it was gonna be okay" he whimpers. Uma looked towards her best friend.

"M-my mom walked in a few minutes later and she let me go in favor of standing up and screaming at my mom, she knocked her down and while my mom was distracted she took my hand and ran me out of the house" he says as he wipes his eyes. If someone look around and they would see there are no dry eyes in the crowd.

"Sh-she took me to her hideout and told me to stay there until she came back..she never did" he says before letting out a small sob.

"The next day when the four of us met up, she was late and she winced every time she moved" he says before racking with sobs. Mal rubbed his back.
Again Carlos started saying.

____________next update will be soon________________....bye guys..stay tune.

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