Year 3 But Really 2

10 3 2

  Matt's POV

Dad and I have been talking about the company and how he should cut back a bit.  I know he really wants me to take over from him.  But I'd like a little more time before I have to commit to it.  Kensi has gone home to visit her parents as they are home for a week.  

It was going to be longer but work has come up and they need to leave again.  We have spoken everyday and I still miss her.  I'm beginning to realise just how much she means to me.  I keep reminding myself.  I am still her professor and it isn't appropriate, but my heart isn't listening.

I sigh as I read the same sentence again "Matt you okay?" Dad asks 

I smile and nod my head.  "I miss her too.  She is like sunshine, just brightens up your day" he says guessing my thoughts. 

"I'm her professor Dad?" I say shrugging my shoulders 

"Is she taking any of your classes?" he questions 

"I don't think so, she mentioned taking extra business classes" I say thinking back. 

"As if she needs them, she now holds 3% shares in our company, and I know she has told us she will give them to us?" Dad says before I can say anything.  

"But my point is, she is no longer one of your students" he states.  

I think about that and then shrug again "but still a student within the university" I add.  

I watch Dad shake his head "okay, but only for the next 8 to 9 months.  Then she will have her degree" he says smiling.  

I realise he is right.  This year flew by fast "you're right, thanks Dad" I say feeling happier.

"Why don't you take her away for a few days when she gets back?" he suggests I smile knowing he is trying to help me out.  

"I'd love too but the twins will come back and she will want to see them.  She has a close knit group of friends" I explain 

"I've heard her talk about them, why are they all boys?" he asks 

"Older boys as well" I add 

"She told me that girls didn't like her at first because she wasn't into dolls and stuff.  Then later on after she met Max and a little later the twins.  Girls didn't like her, as she got on so well with the handsome boys of the year.  It only got worse when Sui and Pete joined the group.  They started to spread rumours that she wanted to be a man and only identified with that part of herself" I explain.  

Dad shakes his head in disgust "jealousy is a horrible thing.  Why didn't she put them straight?" he wonders

"She told me that she never worried about others opinions of her as long as her family and friends knew her then she was fine with it" I tell him.  

"Wow! People spend a lot of money trying to find that kind of mentality.  She is a strong, confident person but I've noticed she doesn't like attention much or being complimented too much" he says looking thoughtful.  

 "I think she likes to watch, as those close to her achieve what they want.  She seems genuinely pleased when they do well or achieve something.  For example when she scores a basket she will fist pump or high five, but if someone else scores a basket she will run and jump on them cheering and showering them with praise" I explain. 

"You want to see her work with the pups at the shelter.  I watched her bring this shy, frightened abused dog around, within 15 minutes of talking to him.  She had him in her arms and was able to bath him, treat him, and cut the knotted fur from him.  

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