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Once I enter my door I rush upstairs and go change into something more comfortable.
Once I'm done I head down the stairs where my mom, Plutarch and Prim are.

"Young lady why do you have a C+ in math!?" My mother shouts at Prim
"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I KNOW IF I DID I WOULD FIX IT!!" Prim shouts at my mother
"Ok sweetie we know you're upset ok so just calm down you won't get into trouble except for us taking your phone a way for 2 days ok"Plutarch says

"WHAT! We never discussed her not being in trouble she needs to learn and she needs to le...."
And then I step in

"Mom calm down ok remember what your therapist said calm down and see what happens next"
"Sweetie I know I'm just wondering why prim has a C+ in math her best subject."
"I know mom but it's ok I'll get prim a tutor and she'll be alright. The tutor will last 2 weeks and hopefully, I know Prim will do better in math...right little duck."

"Yes Katniss and yes mother and yes and thank you Plutarch for trying to help" Prim says

"Ok well um I made the cheer team the high cheer team so can I go meet my friends at the mall?"
"Um yeah you can go sweetie, do you want some money to go shopping?" Plutarch asks me
"Um no i can't possibly take this after everything you've done for us."
"No I insist just take the credit cards and $500 it's nothing"
"Oh well if you insist I guess" I mumble
"Ok well bye mom bye Plutarch and bye little duck love you all I'll be back by possibly 9:30"
"Don't be silly your curfew is at 11:00 go have fun for peets sake"
And after Plutarch said that while my mom nodded, I start laughing while jumping into my car.

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