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Glimmer and I are like panicking because we really want to win today. Once me and glimmer are done with our mascara we put some sparkle things at the corner of our eyes. Once we are done I see Delly telling everyone to change a flip or something so I step in.

"Delly you can't change our flips." I say
"Why? Not to be rude but the flips look better."
"Delly I'm sorry but no you are just here to help me do the routines, and I did this routine a month ago with out you so it's staying this way. Ok? but I promise you we will add some things on our next competition."

And with that Delly walks off and tanner and Jacob come up to me and say" praise the lord we thought we would have to carry her to her brother."
"hahaha ok let's practice the hard parts of our routine."

"5,6,5,6,7,8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 flip WE ARE THE MOCKING JAYS AND WE CAME TO WIN you can stop us but we keep going no matter what!"
then split, backflip, ariel, shoulders,and now here comes my flip.
"Ready glimmer?
"As ready as i'll ever be"

Roller coaster, Ariel, split, triple twist flip*BOOM* I stuck the landing.

"OMG YOU STUCK THE FREAKING landing we are totally going to win" Glimmer says.
"Thanks Glimmer, but if you arch your back enough we will definitely win."

"And here are the Mocking Jays!"


"Here come the Mocking Jays!"

Once I hear that I sit still and watch everyone come out

Once they stay in place this is all I hear "WE ARE THE MOCKING JAYS AND WE CAME TO WIN, YOU CAN STOP US BUT WE KEEP GOING NO MATTER WHAT THEY ALL SAY!" Everyone is staring at them as the 2015 pop mix comes on.

Everyone flies up but Katniss completes the pyramid once she reaches the top I see something I never would want to see again.


Once Katniss reaches the top and completes the pyramid I see something that shocks the hell out of me.
I see Katniss do the roller coaster, Ariel, split, triple twist then *BOOM* she stuck the landing with nothing broken or sprained.

After that, people start to line up and I see Katniss run across their backs and then front flip forward. Glimmer and Katniss do something extremely shocking they do the needle then fall backwards so it looks like they are in a split. They then stand up do a handstand and then straddle forward and on cue when the song says "kiss me, kiss me, come on and kiss me" Katniss and Glimmer grab their finger telling us to come closer and then they get up and run forward.

Then two boys pick them up throw them up and *BOOM* Katniss and Glimmer are now like 4 cm away from a boy's face but Once I see that I spit my drink out right away same with Marvel.

Then the competition is over and Katniss won first place and then comes running up to me and I pick her up. She sees that something is wrong with me so she whispers In my ear.
"Babe that was nothing and you know that because both those boys were Tanner and Jacob and you know them. So please calm down." and I do what she says.

I'm guessing Glimmer tells Marvel the same thing because he looks calmer.

Once we are done we enter Katniss' and my room and the whole group comes, even my sister.

"Hey Peeta are you mad at Katniss for being like 4 cm away from Jacobs face?" My sister asks
Jacobs eyes widen, "Dude I swear I would never kiss Katniss I love Madge."
"Dude calm down I know, I'm not mad just curious at first but Katniss told me."
"Ok good, because I can't have my best friends boyfriend be mad at me" Jacob says.

"Oh and Marvel are you mad at Glimmer for kissing Tanner on the cheek?"

"Huh?" Marvel says looking confused.

"Yah I saw her kiss him on the cheek,when I was going to..." Delly says
"Going to what?" I ask
"Babe she was going to change me and Glimmers routine and she's not even the captain or anything" Katniss says.
"Delly why?!"
"Because I thought it would look better than her routine" Delly says
"Oh and Marvel Glimmer kissed Tanners cheek for catching her and not letter her fall on the roller coaster beacuse the first time we tried he kind of well...let her fall on her head." Katniss says

"Oh ok I wasn't going to be mad anyways" marvel says but I saw that he calmed down a bit.


"Hey Katniss"
"Yah mike?"
"Um why didn't you let Delly change the routine?"
"Because I didn't feel like it."
"But that's her job to change the routine"
Katniss then walks up to me saying,
"No her job is to help me make some parts of the routine so shut your mouth Mike before I call uncle Plutarch and he gives me permission to slap the hell out of you. Do you understand?" She says frightening me a little

"Y-he-yes Katniss yes"i say stumbling
"Hey, Peeta can you get your girlfriend to calm down? She's yelling at my boyfriend for sticking up for me!" Delly yells

And then Katniss gets up and walks into the bathroom and slams the door shut and locks it.
"Delly why the HELL would you say that?!" Peeta says
"Well it's true, she was yelling at mike for asking a simple question!" Delly yells back
"So? he's part of her family deal with it!" Peeta yells
"Ok guys just clam down it doesn't matter anymore" Cato says
"Yah I'm ok, and Delly stop acting like that she's my cousin so just calm down and relax" I say to Delly.


We are all just sitting and talking until Finnick says

"Let's just snoop at the door"
And everyone agrees

"Hey little duck, yeah I won first place. Yup it's pretty amazing. Yeah except guess who I met at New York. Nope Mike, yes that Mike yeah I'm just in the bathroom because people started yelling at me. Yes I'm fine little duck yes I know, no self harm."

And once everyone hears that everyone looks at each other and keep on listening.

"Yeah I said something that I wish I never did. Yes i regret what I said. I said to Mike that his girlfriend should never have tried to change the cheer routine and bla bla bla and so on. Yes I miss you too. I love you too, and yes I know prim I'm not going to self harm myself. Yes I tried in the past but it's not like I tried to cut myself. Okk love you, bye little duck.

And once Katniss is done talking we all rush to our spots we were sitting at earlier since it's only 1:35 pm.

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