"Did I just saw Christopher Evans wink at you?" Ana whispers into her ears.

"No, I don't think so." Emilyn shakes her head, but Emilyn knows he did. But she's not gonna allow Ana to tease her. The race is starting. All the racers line their cars towards the front of the line. Emilyn scans the track for that blue McLaren that Christopher drove. during. Her eyes landed on the third row.

The horn blasted, the car speed from the starting line. Emilyn tries to keep her eye on Christopher, but it is too fast. The cars go around the huge place for about 3 rounds and then stop for a refuel. Some cars left from the refuel station and some cars just made it to the station. After the refuel, those cars start again. Going for another more 3 or 4 rounds.

The person at the side signals the flag which indicates the last round. Everyone eyes are in the finish line, anticipated to see who's going to be first. A blue McLaren flashes through the finish line and everyone cheers. The screen shows Christopher's face with a number one on the side.

After that, every car crosses the finish line, "Congratulations to everyone who made it to the top 50th." The announcer announces. "Let's take a look at the scoreboard." The scoreboard rolls out the name and the position that each race held. "That's your 50th racer who will move on to the next round. And as for today's winner, let's give it up for Christopher Evans!" He hollers. Everyone on the race track scream, clap and jump excitedly. "Once again, thank you for coming and we will see you next time." Everyone stood up and move towards the exit.

"That was so cool," Finley exclaimed. "Please go thank your 'boyfriend' for your tickets.' He smirks.

"I told you a billion times, he is not my boyfriend," Emilyn shouted.

"Geez, calm down." Finley shakes his head. "Don't have to be so uptight every time." Emilyn crosses her arms and glared at him.

"Guys," Ana said sternly. "Finley, apologize to her."

Finley huff, "I'm sorry." Emilyn turns away from him. "Can we go out now?" He whined.

"Yes, let's go," Ana said and we make a beeline towards the exit.

A message sound notifies Emilyn, "Can you meet me in front of the entrance?" Christopher text.

Emilyn text back, "Why?" But he didn't respond. "Guys," Emilyn tug on Finley's shirt."

"What?" He turns around a little annoyed in his voice. Emilyn frown at his tone of voice.

"Fin." Ana slaps his chest. "That's not how you suppose to talk to Emilyn."

"Sorry, what is it?" Finley asks again minus the annoyed tone.

"Christopher just texted me to wait for him at the entrance," Emilyn told them.

"Okay, let's go," Ana said and they go out of the seating area. Three of them stood at the entrance waiting for Christopher while watching everyone head out.

"Emilyn, I want to apologize. I didn't mean to be annoyed by you." Finley said. "I don't know what's gotten into me. Can you forgive me?"

"Finley, I know we fight all the time. But I will always forgive you. Because you are like my brother, we are like siblings who always fight." Emilyn smiled at him.

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