I didn't have that in me.

"I know.." I replied with shaky voice. "And I understand your fear Soph.. but we just gotta have faith baby. That's all we can really do from here on out." I felt a few tears fall from my eyes slowly sliding down my cheeks but I smile a little hoping it would help.

Sophia wiped them for me and laid her head back down on my chest squeezing teddy to her.

"I'm scared but it's okay because I have faith in my doctors, my nurses and myself." She whispered as if she were just speaking to herself.

I kissed the top of Sophia's head and held her to me silently crying to myself until she fell asleep. Leaving me to sulk alone in the dark hospital room.

. . .

Valentina's view:

"So then the court date is set for about a month from now. Which is bullshit but that's the court for ya. How are you holding up?" Mark, one of my lawyers asked me as I stared out his office window. Looking at the children's hospital which was not far off in the distance.

"I'm not even sure at this point.." I whispered resting my mouth against my fist.

I heard him sigh from behind me and move to stand next to where I was. He stared out the window as well not saying a word for a good minute.

I had successfully filed for custody which was just a bunch of paperwork and speaking with different people to set up my court date.

Now that it was over I wanted it to be March already, I wanted to get over this anxiety that has been building up in me everyday since I decided to file for custody.

I just wanted my baby back.

"You know I don't think I've ever seen you like this," Mark looked to me motioning up and down with his hand. "So, lost and anxious. It's weird but.. understandable."

I glanced at him as he spoke.

"This is your child we're talking about and I can see why you feel the way you do. But don't let it ruin you Valentina, take care of yourself too. If and when everything turns out in your favor.. that little girl is gonna need you. So don't beat yourself up over the stress you're feeling right now." Mark said looking at me seriously glancing at the wine glass I left on his desk.

My mouth opened a little in shock at his speech and from him calling me out.

"Don't look so shocked. I know about your bottles and bad habit Valentina. No one drinks that much wine before noon and besides.. I've kind of noticed it after knowing you for so long." Mark said shrugging and walking to grab my glass from his desk and tossing it in the trash.

He leaned against his desk crossing his arms looking at me again with a serious face.

"Starting now I want this to stop Valentina, I mean it. No more. If you continue this habit I will personally have to speak up saying you are not eligible to file for custody right now until you get help."

I scoffed stepping forward ready to fight back.

Mark held up his hand stopping me. "Say whatever the hell you want Valentina but my job and that little girls safety comes first. I will not go to court lying to the judge and saying you are fine and sober. There is already at least one report of you being changed with a DUI. That shit will be used against you especially if the Hansen's come after you."

I backed down frowning a little. "Okay but that charge was during the time I lost my wife. I know that's not inexcusable but I wasn't stable then which makes more sense than to claim I'm a drunk. It wasn't purposely done and my kids were not in the car."

Valentina - [wlw]Where stories live. Discover now