Chapter 102 - Clash at Null Village

Start from the beginning

Demitri threw Mispy over to another rooftop across the road, and Owen heard the rooftop beneath them groan from the force. Mispy grabbed Demitri mid-throw and pulled him along. In the arc above the road, they had a much better vantage point for the battlefield. Owen scanned the roads. Demitri's throw had been so strong, and Mispy was so much heavier, that even after she picked Demitri up, her momentum in the air had been barely affected. The rooftop once under Demitri, though, had cracked...

Zena was in an alleyway, occasionally peering out to look for Aster to fire. Good, she had cover, though that would be meaningless if Aster teleported.

Trina was on Zena's head, unable to do anything, so instead she behaved as a second pair of eyes.

On another side street, a trail of shadows that Owen knew was Marshadow ran swiftly toward Aster's location.

"Marshadow's alive and heading to Aster," Owen said quickly.

"Okay, so Gahi won't be alone, but we still need more help." Demitri looked up, frantic. "Aster's too far away for me to hit with my axes. If I miss, that's it!"

That was it. Aster was too far away. The only way they could even hope to keep up would be if they could Teleport, too! And Gahi only could because of his Psychic Orb. How was he supposed to—

Something clicked at around the same time the ringing stopped, and Owen's pupils dilated and focused in on Gahi.

He just needed time.

"Distract Aster a little longer," Owen said, suddenly crossing his legs and grabbing onto one of Mispy's vines for leverage. "I need to focus."

Because he had it. He knew he had a way to help. It wasn't at the forefront of his aura—he needed to tune himself first. Breathe, breathe...

By Necrozma, he hoped this would work.

It was somewhere. Somewhere deep. He had to think back. A time when Tim was still training him, a time when he needed to protect him, when he had to learn about his opponents on the fly. When he had to be ready for any Pokémon, not just the ones he'd have an advantage over. When Tim's whole world was on Owen's shoulders.

Demitri had, in his desperation, tore off a small fragment of the roof and threw it at Aster, who was now controlling two twisters at an ever-more-tired Gahi.

Mispy's petals glowed once more.

Zena hadn't fired another Hydro Pump, but she was certainly on standby.

What was Marshadow doing?

...There. Owen was ready. "Gahi!" Owen shouted, and then said, "Demitri, call Gahi!" Owen, meanwhile, made sure he was hiding behind Mispy's neck so Aster couldn't see him.

They both called again, and Gahi, between his dodges, turned to them.

"Come here!" Owen ordered, and then Demitri and Mispy looked at him like he was insane.

But Gahi obeyed without question, disappearing and reappearing.

"What?!" Gahi said. The Psychic twisters were upon them, seconds away.

"Okay, Teleport away," Owen immediately replied.

The Flygon squinted exasperatedly.


"Alright, alright!" Gahi disappeared, and the Psychic auras twisted away.

Okay, worst part of the gamble was over with. Owen was banking on Mispy being able to take a hit or two, but they didn't even have to worry about it. He had a Protect ready in case that didn't work. But now—even more time.

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