Chapter 8~ Stupid Theo

Start from the beginning

She couldn't bear to face the fact that she was her worst fear.


September came to an end with a significant amount of ancient runes homework that was, quite literally, piled high upon her bedside table. She didn't know why Professor Babbling felt the need to give them so much extra work to do.

But as the first month at Hogwarts came to an end with stacks of homework, October soon came with something that Lilith got to look forward too for the first time since joining Hogwarts.

The quidditch season was arriving and Lilith couldn't wait for much longer. She was given notice from Cassius Warrington that she needed her own broom so, only having a small part of her great uncle Alphard's vault at her disposal, she had ordered a brand new Cleansweep eleven broomstick.

She was the only one on the team who didn't have a world cup standard broom but she didn't care. She loved the new Cleansweep as much as anyone else would love a brand new Firebolt, she had spent longer than she'd like to admit admiring the polished Spanish oak handle alone.

However, the polished handle was now covered in mud as she and the rest of the Slytherin quidditch team (save for Adrian Pucey who was in the hospital wing due to a bludger to the nose that was most definitely not sent by Lilith) made their way down to the damp dungeon corridors that lead to a much cosier common room that was buzzing excitedly when they all walked in.

"What's all this about, then?" Lilith said to Pansy, collapsing next to her friend who was braiding a first year's long hair.

"First Hogsmeade visit on halloween." She said as she weaved the girl's long strands of blonde hair in and out of each other quickly.

"Oh, brilliant." Said Lilith dejectedly, accidentally knocking her foot against one of the girls who had queued in a line along the floor next to Pansy.

Pansy eyed her mockingly, "I'm sure Filch would absolutely adore some company around the castle," She tied a hair bobble around the blonde girl's plait.

"C'mere," Lilith said to the girl closest to her, "Growing up around girls has its benefits." She began to bundle one side of the hair together and began to braid it.z


October thirty first came quicker than she'd liked. She selfishly wished that the Hogsmeade visit would be cancelled, only so she wouldn't feel so alone.

As soon as she entered the loud din of the great hall, she almost immediately walked straight back out. The joyful babble of chattering students making Lilith want to run all the way back to her four poster bed and stay there until mid November.

Why did Dumbledore have to meddle with all this?

Why was she treated differently because of who she was? Over something she didn't even choose.

She sat at the very end of the table, trying to hide from her friends' view so they wouldn't try to convince her to eat more than a dry slice of toast and a single cup of plain black coffee. She didn't need to add anything to the coffee, she liked it how it was unlike most coffee drinkers. People changed the drink to fit their liking, they changed it to benefit themselves. Lilith related sometimes.

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