Chapter 1~ paper round

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Lilith's eyes were fixed solely on the wall in front as she lay on her side at the very edge of the shared double bed in Clem's group home, listening to the sound of the wind howling and the raindrops pouring down from the heavens- her focus only ...

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Lilith's eyes were fixed solely on the wall in front as she lay on her side at the very edge of the shared double bed in Clem's group home, listening to the sound of the wind howling and the raindrops pouring down from the heavens- her focus only interrupted by the infrequent clattering of dustbins in the streets below.

The occasional rumble of thunder growling through the air was calming though it was quickly ruined by the plastic bins falling to the ground; Lilith hated Mondays. Monday, you see, is bin day, and Lilith hated being woken up at as early as five by the beeping of the rubbish lorry driving through the streets.

Although people were woken due to the bins, in the dodgy streets of Coventry you'd be lucky if you didn't trip over rubbish on your walk home from work. Therefore in Lilith's mind it was completely useless to have bin men come early in the morning to collect rubbish only for it to be replaced hours after they'd left.

She scowled as one of the girls in the bed turned over, resulting in the duvet being pulled straight off of her already shivering body, leaving her to freeze at the very edge of the bed.

The living conditions weren't great at the home to be quite honest, electric off at eight thirty because "the bills are expensive enough already", hot water only on Sunday and Thursday, and the cheapest meats from Asda or whatever shop had an offer on.

They had to make do with few beds to share, though Lilith was thankful that they were doubles- she couldn't bear the thought of sharing a single bed with four others.

Her knees were tucked in order for another girl to fit on the far end of the bed and she was pushed to the right. God knows how she hasn't fallen off yet. There were four others on the bed, three squished on her left side and one on the bottom. It wasn't comfortable, but at least they had a bed because the next room only had two double mattresses pushed together on the floor.

The only source of light in the room at that moment, if you ignore the occasional flashes of lightning, was a candle burning on the low table on Lilith's side of the bed. It was all they were allowed, electric off at eight thirty remember?

The storm outside had become much more aggressive, leaves rustling loudly and more bins falling over by the minute. It seemed almost unnatural.

The loose window frames were shuddering in their place, the outside becoming less relaxing by the second, her dark eyes scanned over the room to see the curtains (that looked straight out of the sixties) waving ominously in the wind.

The rain had picked up now and was pouring down like arrows upon a target, the curtains were blowing higher and Lilith was growing colder; her loose pyjama trousers and lack of duvet making it so.

It was wrong, rain and wind this much in July, it was England but this much? Lilith flinched, a small arm wrapped around her waist, she narrowed her eyes at the owner of the skinny arm. Lilith tried to recall the name of the curly-haired girl. Harriet she remembered, the little girl was only six- more than half Lilith's age and looked even younger- still, Ms Clem cramped them all in the same bed nonetheless.

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