Chapter 8~ Stupid Theo

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Lilith did not know what frightened her the most

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Lilith did not know what frightened her the most. If you asked the average person, they'd probably say something along the lines of spiders or monsters, or perhaps losing a loved one.

But Lilith had no loved ones to lose, she'd grown out of being scared about monsters under the bed and there were too many spiders around the home during autumn that she'd never had the chance to be afraid of them because they had simply always been there- seeking shelter from the harsh wind and rain of Coventry city.

"I want you to picture the thing you fear the very most." Professor Lupin had said to them, standing with his hands in the pockets of his shabby robes as he looked over the heads of the students clad in green.

But the thing was, she didn't know .

She had lined up at the very back as she tried to delay her turn for as long as possible, but it came soon enough and she was standing in front of a singing chicken shaped boggart.

The boggart finally noticed her standing with a stoic expression on her face, trying to quiet down her mind telling her what different things that her worst fear could be. Maybe the boggart would transform into a bundle of her worst fears, mutilated together as one giant monster.

The chicken stared at her for many long seconds before a loud CRACK echoed around the defence against the dark arts classroom. The whole class looking confusedly at the form the boggart had took.

"Did you really think you could run away?"

Lilith could only stare, her wand arm held limply at her side.

"Your pathetic little attempts were unsuccessful, you know?" The boggart slowly paced toward her, "you know I'll always get you! You can't run! You can't hide!" She- it- was shouting now. "You'll always come back one way or another, I didn't know you liked me so much. You certainly don't seem to show it."

Lilith blinked slowly, shifting her feet, as she assured herself, "You're not real." Her mind was telling her to chant the incantation but her mouth was refusing to move. She was useless.

"It was no wonder you got sent here, my place was the last resort for a lost case like you; a useless, bastard child freak!" Ms Clem's arm was raised in an extremely familiar position. Boggarts couldn't hurt her, could they? Not physically, she thought. But she never got to know the answer, for a tall frame draped in shabby wizarding robes sped in front of her.

She didn't see what his boggart turned into, for her gaze was unfocused and drawn to the dusty floor, a great feeling of shame and anger seeping through her magic-filled veins.

She didn't bother staying, only swinging her satchel over her shoulder and drawing her cloak around her tightly as she left the staff room in a flurry of billowing robes.

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