Chapter 4

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"What happened?" a familiar voice spoke out as I tried to speak and open my eyes but I was unable as I felt weak all over my body

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"What happened?" a familiar voice spoke out as I tried to speak and open my eyes but I was unable as I felt weak all over my body.

"She was away for half an hour from the toilet and went to check out but instead of being in the women bathroom, we found her in the male bathroom lying on the ground, my king." As I recognized this voice which belongs to Ryan.

"Why is she so stupid? She has all the clothes that she wants but still wants to buy a stupid gown just for the ball." I definitely know who this tone of voice belongs to. I wanted to fight back but my body won't do anything to bring me back to normal as if my body is in a sleeping mode.

All the voices surrounding me brings back a bad headache to me, making me lose my consciousness again as their voice drowns to the back of my head.

I felt someone shaking my body, "Princess Vixen, can you hear me?"

I try my very best to once again regain my strength to open my eyes and I slowly regain back and open my eyes. I blinked a couple of times trying to adjust to the bright light from the room.

Finally, I was able to see clearly as Tracy looked at me with her eyes tight and worried, looking around my body searching for any injuries.

She hugged me tightly as I tried to gasp for air as her arms wrapped around my body, squeezing the life out of me as I let out a fragile voice, "Can't b..b..breathe."

She pulled apart as tears from her eyes rolled down her cheek and she sniffed softly, saying, "Who did this to you? This witch took a toll of your body with her ancient spell and without all the royal witches, you could have died."

"Speaking of that, I need your help again."

She palmed her hands on her face and sighed, "What do you need?"

"I need to sneak into my father's office with your help."

"Are you crazy?" as her eyes went wide, looking at me as if I am out of my mind.

It's possible but not possible at the same time since there is a few wolves patrolling around my father's office.

"There is something that he is hiding from me. I met with the dark master and he told me to investigate my father's office to search for an answer."

She raised her eyebrows as confusion written on her face as her face turned into a shock when she realized something. She questioned, "The one who attacked you was not a witch but the dark master. What? How did this happen?"

I told her everything from the beginning when I saw dark magic lurking outside the café and how I fainted from the thick smoke that I had inhaled.

"In order to sneak into my father's office, we will need to do it on the night of the ball. This way, no one will suspect anything since everyone is too busy partying."

She nods her head in agreement, "Okay then. Anyway, I have set up a meeting with one of the ancient witches that I am close with and she will come by later since it is danger for you to come over to her place so I have informed her to come through the secret passageway that you have mentioned before if that is alright with you?"

I replied with a "Yes" and said goodbye to her.

I lay back on the bed while my eyes fell on the ceiling as I tried keeping my emotions that are threatening to spill out since everything has been going crazy for the past few days.

As time passed, I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier and slowly I drift off to sleep.

Princess Vixen's dream

"Where am I again?" I blink my eyes a couple times and find myself standing a distance from the well which looks exactly the same in our garden.

Something shuffles as I look around to see who is hiding in the garden.

"Who are you? Come out."

A woman wearing a silky white dress came out and when I looked at her, she looked very familiar to me, but I can't seem to remember where I had seen her before. Digging slowly to my memories, everything makes sense to me,

She smiles brightly at me and at that moment I hugged her, saying, "Moon goddess, what are you doing in my dream?"

"My baby, I have been expecting you."

"Expecting me, why?"

"You hold the key to the universe of peace between the wolves and witches."

"I thought there is peace between both species?"

The words I spoke out shows concern and fear written on her face as she commented, "War is coming my dear. Some witches are bad and are working together with the dark master. It's up to you whether you want to control your power well. If all the power you hold becomes unstable, you become a threat to the universe. You could spill blood all over the land."

"You mean I could be the death behind everyone."

She nodded her head and continued, "You need to control the anger inside you Vixen. If it outburst, your emotions will be running all over and the evil in you will take over."

My shoulder went tense at her words because I remember myself in my dreams while I become another person who unleashed her dark powers. I started hyperventilating in front of her as I remembered blood spilling all over me.

"Breath Vixen. Listen to my voice. Get those thoughts out of you."

I focused on her voice and my breathing became stable as she held my hands with hers.

"How can I control it? What can I do to prevent it?"

"Don't push the people that love you so much then that darkness in you will disappear for good, Practise your magic in secret to get control of it," as she smiles brightly that shines like the stars in the sky.

I gave her a half-hearted smile and replied, "I will try if my father does not give me that look every time."

"Speaking of your father, he really loves you Vixen. He is just afraid of losing you. After all, you are the very first soon to be Queen."

My eyes shone brightly as she told me that and I questioned back, "Really?"

"Yes, my baby. He just doesn't have that courage to say to you. I hope you can forgive him and your mother."

What is Princess Vixen going to do knowing that she has seen the Dark Master?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

What is Princess Vixen going to do knowing that she has seen the Dark Master?

Will she find anything related to the Dark Master in the King's office?

Will she forgive her parents?

Princess VixenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang