Their next stop was even prettier. The Pothamedu viewpoint. Their first job was to trek through the lush green forest of Munnar. The viewpoint was only 3 km away from the forest. Once they reached they could see numerous hills stretching far away. These hills were filled with different kinds of plantations from tea, coffee, and cardamom. The sky was a clear blue with a few white clouds. The clouds were scattered across the sky and looked like a white web up there. Taking pictures wasn't enough. Arjun sat down on the ground and looked ahead in awe. Patricia noticed this and didn't bother him. He needed to enjoy. Some time for himself. Once the sightseeing was over they climbed down and went to the next place on their plan.

Anamudi peak. This place was a trekker's and a photographer's paradise. It was the highest peak in Southern India. The walk up there was tedious but the pair made it because of the adrenaline rush. Their journey was filled with encountering animals that could only be found in Munnar and various types of evergreen trees. The peak was breathtaking as well. It wasn't as green as Pothamedu because there were patches of brown too. But it was pretty no less. After spending some time up there they climbed town and had instant noodle lunch in a nearby local joint. The hot steamy noodle in the cool chilly hill was what made ordinary noodles tastier.

In the end, Patricia and Arjun were equally tired so let's say Blossom Park wasn't visited with that much enthusiasm. But they did go there. The place was filled with flowers of different species. And there was a lake where boating was practiced. Both shared a boat and took pictures of each other and the various birds in the area. They talked about their professional life in Mumbai and the city life both were used to. As the sky slowly turned pink indicating that afternoon was over and it was evening. They left the park and took the local bus, one that would take them back to their respective homes.

"Do you want to go back?", Arjun asked in a heavy voice.

"No, I am in a mood for some shopping. There is a clothes shop ahead. I will visit that first"

"Fine, I'll come with you"

"No need Arj-"

"I am coming", he cut her off. Patricia didn't bother. She didn't continue the argument, maybe because deep down she wanted him to accompany her.

As they entered the clothes shop Patricia talked about. The excited woman ran off to the lady's section, Searching for a dress. A dress that would catch her eye. Arjun stood in one corner quietly. He kept his eyes on her, never letting her go out of his sight. She made him feel happy and relaxed today. Something he hadn't felt in years. His heart fluttered, stomach rolled and cheeks turned light pink.

"This looks pretty?", Patricia said from afar, holding a knee-length white dress. Arjun didn't have much knowledge of dresses but he knew she would beautiful in any dress.

"Yes", he replied confidently.

"Alright then I'll give this one a try", Patricia replied as she moved towards the dressing room. What she didn't notice was Arjun mechanically followed behind her.

As she entered the room, she locked the door behind her and swiftly removed her clothes to try on the dress. It hugged her body perfectly. The neck was not uncomfortably deep and the dress flowed down carelessly giving her thighs enough space to breathe. Yes, she didn't like tight dresses that forced her to take small steps while walking.

When it was time to remove the dress, she couldn't. the zipper got stuck between the fabric. Patricia tried pulling it down by force but it was useless.

"Uh, Arjun? You there?", she called out. Thankfully, he was.

"Yeah, I am here outside. How long are you going to take?"

"Yeah, about that. The zipper is.....well stuck....could you help me pull it down?" 

A/N: are the places they visited

1. Mattupetty Dam

 Mattupetty Dam

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2. Pothamedu View Point

 Pothamedu View Point

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3. Anamudi Peak

 Anamudi Peak

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4. Blossom Park

Btw, I will be uploading 2 chapters from now hehe, vote and comment!

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Btw, I will be uploading 2 chapters from now hehe, vote and comment!

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