Chapter One

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Tucker glanced at his twin, before sighing and resting his head against the window. Paige was looking straight at the road as she drove, her expression a clear indication of how pissed she was.

Tucker knew he was in for an earful.

Paige parked the car outside Tucker's apartment complex, locking the doors as to make sure her brother doesn't slip out before she gave him a piece of her mind.

"How hard is it for you to control that stupid mouth of yours, Tuck?" Paige started.

"Very. You know that," Tuck replied, "You know I didn't want to go in the first place."

"I just asked you to do one thing. One thing, Tuck. To be next to me and not say anything that can get me in trouble." Paige said.

"Those are two things, actually." Tuck remarked and he didn't know how it was possible, but Paige looked even madder.

"Do you not have even half a working brain cell? How can you say all that stuff in front of Kaufman? He's not just my boss, he's the fucking CEO! He can fire me in a minute!" Paige raised her voice.

"If he does that then I'll sue him for wrongful termination." Tuck shrugged and Paige looked at him in disbelief.

"That's not the freaking point. Oh my God, you're unbelievable!" Paige shook her head, "They may let you drink all you want and say whatever comes to your mind at your job, but not at mine! I have to be professional and you embarassed me tonight!"

"Then you shouldn't have begged me to come! You know I hate people like that!" Tuck said, now equally as annoyed.

"Yeah, my bad," Paige scoffed, "How did I ever expect you to behave? For once in your entire life."


"No! You listen! I have worked very hard to get where I am today, Tuck! You have no idea how hard it is to be the only woman of colour in a team full of white men. They all assume you fucked your way up and downplay all your achievements. I have worked my ass off to build my reputation and I'm not going to let anyone jeopardize it!" Paige took a deep breath as she finished her rant.

"I'm sorry." Tuck muttered. He knew how much of a hardworker his sister is, and he really didn't want to get her in trouble. He just can't control his mouth sometimes.

"Just.." Paige paused for a couple of seconds, "I've invited Kaufman to the wedding. I'm pretty sure he won't show, but if he does then please, for the love of all that's good, please, just behave. Promise me."

"I'll try," Tuck said, making Paige raise a brow, "I said I'll try!"

"Fine," Paige huffed, "Now get out. I have a man waiting for me at home."


"The court sentences Peter Harris to 16 years in prison, and a fine of five hundred thousand dollars to be paid to the deceased's family," The judge said as she hit the gavel, "Court adjourned."

Tuck closed his file, as he got up from his chair with a slight smile on his face. He had been preparing for this hearing for a while, and was glad that the ruling was just.

"I really thought I was going to win this one, Conway." Said Eva.

"You really thought you would win a DUI hit and run from me?" Replied Tuck.

"Don't tell my client this but I knew there was no way this guy would walk free the moment I picked the case," Eva confessed, "Especially when I realised it was you who was going to prosecute him. I was hoping for lesser jail time though."

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