"Oh, my goodness! Are you ok?" she asks as she pulls away from the hug.

"Yes, I'm fine, I just broke my ankle. It was a minor break though, so it should be fine in a few weeks" I answer. "Are you OK?" I ask, giving her a once over. She's wearing an oversized hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. Neither of which were hers based on how big they were on her. She looks all cleaned up with her hair in a braid and her face completely rid of all the dirt. It's obvious that she has had a shower since she has been here.

"I'm fine, I've been worried about you," she answers looking me over worriedly.

"I'll only be on crutches for a few days and then I have to wear a boot" I say pulling her in for another quick hug. When we release from the hug, my attention brought to the boys who look to be talking to each other. I walk over to them and Ari follows closely behind me. When we reach them, they stop talking and turn to us.

"This is Ryder," Cade says.

"I can introduce myself bro," Ryder says smiling at me. "I'm Ryder," he continues. I smile back at him but say nothing.

"Whatever but come with me. I'll take you to a shower, then the four of us need to talk," Cade says looking at me. I nod my head and follow him out of the room saying a quick goodbye to Ari. He leads me back to my room.

"you and Ari have a shared bathroom that connects both of your rooms. There should be a towel on the counter. When you change out of the clothes in the bathroom, stick them outside the door and while you're in the shower, I'll wash them for you" Cade says standing there awkwardly. I just nod my head and head straight to the bathroom. I quickly strip out of my clothes as best as I can with my ankle and wrap the towel around my body before cracking the door open and setting the pile of clothes down on the floor. I shut the door and when I turn to the shower, I see men's shampoo, conditioner, and body wash out. I realize that that's what Ari probably used since it's already out. I quickly get into the shower being careful of the cast on my ankle, so it doesn't get wet and turn on the water to all of the way hot. The water burns my skin but feels good at the same time. I leave the hot water on since it makes me feel better and more relaxed. I get the washcloth that was set on the rail if the shower and pour a lot of body wash on it. I wash my body and then do it again another time. By then, the dirt seems to be completely off of my body, so I move to my hair. I wash my hair very thoroughly and watch the brown water go down the drain when I am done. I look at my watch and the time is 2:30, which means I was in the shower for about 40 minutes getting all of the dirt off of me and cleaning my hair. I take my time to get out of the shower making sure I didn't trip. Taking a shower on one foot is easier than you would think. I wrap the towel around me and hop to the door, while using the wall for support, to get the clothes that should be clean again. I look out of the door and see no clothes and no Cade. I open the door a little further and step into my room. I look to the bed and the desk from where I was, leaning against the door frame. I don't see the clothes anywhere and I'm confused as to what to do. I hop back to my crutches and use them to go to the door that leads to Ari's room. I open her door enough to stick my head in and see Ryder and Ari on her bed playing their phones.

"Ari" I say loud enough for her to hear. Both of them turn around and look at me. When Ari sees me, she quickly gets up and comes into the bathroom, shutting the door on the way.

"Do you know where my clothes are?" I ask as I lean against the counter. She shakes her head no.

"Let me go look" she says as she walks out the door, closing it. I wait for about a minute and Ari returns to the bathroom with my clothes in her hand. I thank her as she leaves and change into the now dry clothes. I walk into my room and find nobody in there. I go to the desk and look at the stuff given to me. I pick up the phone and notice that it's an iPhone. I turn it on and notice that I need to set it up. I go sit down on the bed and quickly work to set up my phone. Within five minutes I have everything set up and many games downloaded. I slide the phone into the sweatpants pocket and head to Ari's room. I go to her room and see Ryder and Ari in the same position as the last time I was in here.

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