chapter forty-three ❃ mud-blood

Start from the beginning

"Get the goblin!" Bellatrix shouted and Wormtail hurried off towards the dungeons, he was taking a very long time and I could tell Bellatrix was getting impatient as she started to circle Hermione, all of a sudden, she started holding up her wand and I buried my head in Draco's chest... I couldn't watch. Draco wrapped an arm around me and kept my head in place so I wouldn't see when just in time, I heard Ron shouted "Expelliarmus" and I quickly looked up. Everybody drew their wands except for Draco and I and there were spells flying everywhere before Bellatrix grabbed hold of Hermione and held a dagger up to her throat. "Stop! Drop your wands!" She shouted and they instantly did as she said. "Quick Draco, pick them up!" She said and I nudged Draco when he didn't move, he quickly scrambled to pick up Ron and Harry's wands, "Ah look, it's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord." She whispered in Hermione's ear loud enough for us all to hear.

"Call him Parisa." She said smiling evilly at Harry and Ron as everybody's heads turned to me and I froze. I couldn't do this; I couldn't give up like this. Harry made eye contact with me and I nervously looked around before my father stepped forward, holding out his left arm. I wanted to tell him to stop and even took a step forward without thinking and Draco quickly grabbed me and held me close to him, "It's over." He whispered into my hair, his voice breaking, and I bit back a sob. This was it, the end of the wizarding world as we knew it.

Then before my father could even pull back his sleeve there was a slight screeching sound, and everybody looked up at the chandelier. There swinging from it and loosening the screws was Dobby, the Malfoy's old house elf. It began to fall, and Bellatrix screamed before pushing Hermione away and running backwards, Hermione fell into Ron's arms and I couldn't help but stare at them as they clutched to each other for dear life and Ron kissed the top of her head... they were always supposed to be together. I wished for nothing more than to be in Cedric's arms right now, Merlin I hoped he was okay. Draco and I leaped away from the shattering glass and Harry ran up to us fighting against Draco for the two wands, Draco fought back weakly and looked desperately at Harry as he snatched the wands and ran back to his friends. I reached for Draco as he gave up and held him tightly on the floor.

Harry disarmed Lucius and then they all grabbed onto Dobby's arms as he clicked his fingers and disapparated them. At the same moment however, Bellatrix threw the dagger that had previously been against Hermione's throat, just in time, and it disappeared with them. I hoped and prayed that it didn't hit anybody. Bellatrix laughed and everybody looked at each other, "It's time." She said as she pulled out her left forearm and called Voldemort.

A meeting was held, and a plan was made, they knew Harry Potter would be going back to Hogwarts to try to save everybody and Voldemort declared that it was time for the 'real fight' to begin. Draco and I looked at each other and gulped, we were leaving first thing in the morning meaning there was only one night left until we were stuck in this life forever. I was stuck without anyway of finding out if Cedric could ever stop hating me, it hit me now that I would most probably never see Cedric again. As we stepped into Draco's room I collapsed onto his bed and just let myself sob, so much had happened and so many people were in danger. Draco and I spent the night crying and talking about all of our happy memories, I finally told him everything to do with me and Cedric and he comforted me the whole time... I was so glad he had finally understood, and I was happy that I knew whatever happened; Draco and I would also be there for each other.


When the sun started to rise, I knew that neither of us had slept well and we both sat up and looked at each other, "No matter what happens today, we stick together okay. Even if we get separated, we find each other. Promise me Parisa." He said and I hugged him, "I promise Draco, we're in this together and we protect each other no matter what." Bellatrix called us and so we both hurried downstairs, when we got to the door everybody was already there with their wands out, Narcissa came up behind us and kissed us both, "Please stick together you two, I want you both back in one piece." She said and I smiled at how motherly she was towards me too. Draco and I nodded, and I gave them a moment alone together, Draco came back crying and I comforted him as Voldemort went over the final details. When everybody was on the same page we twisted, and disapparated to the forbidden forest.

We appeared in the dark words and I realised now that there were hundreds of us, there must have been some of his followers waiting here and groups of people were all appearing. Voldemort explained that we would be split into two groups and then attack from opposite sides of the castle. I looked up through the thick tree's and noticed the sky looked like it was on fire, I realised now that we had already missed some of the fight – it must have started last night, it looked like what was burning was some type of force field bubble surrounding the castle. But pieces of it were falling and it was slowly disappearing.

It occurred to me now that somewhere inside of the castle just on the other side of the bridge was Cedric Diggory and my whole body felt as if it was shutting down. I managed to keep myself on my feet but soon Voldemort walked over to us, "I require you to fight from opposite sides of the castle, you need to split up now." He said and Draco clutched at me, "W-Why." I dared to question him and he chuckled, "I'm glad you're feeling brave Parisa, I need you both to be fully concentrated and I am afraid you will distract each other, Parisa you will stick with your father, Draco you with yours" Draco and I turned to each other horrified and my father came up behind me and started to drag me away, "I'll find you Parisa, I promise." Draco shouted after me and I sobbed.

"Just you and me Parisa, better make sure you're staying on the right tracks." My father said chuckling darkly and I immediately knew this was his doing. He wanted to be the one to force me to follow him, and he wanted to be the one to see me give up and finally do as he said.

authors note: I just realised this is going to be 46 chapters not 47!!! Bye, I cannot count apparently. So I will post the final chapter tomorrow! I'm so sad it's going to be over :( but when its all posted I will just edit some parts if needed. Thank you all so much for reading! Please VOTE!!!

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