chapter twenty-seven ❃ loss

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Draco and I quickly followed Snape to his office, Me and Snape went in, but Draco had to wait outside. I was glad now that he was there, it was comforting, as much as I didn't want this to be happening, and as much as I wanted it to be Cedric outside that door instead, I needed someone, and Draco was someone. Snape sat behind his desk and gestured for me to sit in the seat opposite, which I did. There was an awkward silence for a moment before Snape finally spoke. "Parisa, I'm really sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this, I'm sure you have seen today's paper and so I'm sure you know about the Attack." I nodded slowly and tears started to sting at my eyes. "The Attack on the Ministry was actually very successful; it all went to plan how The Dark Lord wanted. Unfortunately, there were some... deaths on our side. Parisa, I'm sorry to tell you that your mother was one of them." I gulped, I knew he was going to say this, but I'd barely had time to prepare, all of fifteen minutes for Merlin's sake. "S-She's dead?" I looked up at Snape had he nodded, I sobbed, like I said; I loathed them for doing this to me, but I didn't want them dead. I was crying now but tried to contain my sob's as Snape continued. "There is going to be a newspaper article. About your... family. Parisa the Ministry know that your parents were chosen, that they're Death Eaters. As you know, the penalty for this is life in Azkaban so The Dark Lord has sent your father into hiding. He is too valuable." I tried to process what he was telling me; it just didn't seem real. "I can't tell you where he is hiding, as only he and The Dark Lord knows, but I have been asked to watch over you until it is safe for him to return. We do not know when this will be, but as always, The Dark Lord has a plan. He doesn't wish me to tell you his plans, in case they cause your loyalty to weaver. But it is unknown how much longer things will be as they are. Something is coming and you and Draco need to be prepared for anything. I also must ask you to stay here over the summer, it is not safe for you to go home, I'm sure people will be looking for you."

"Does the Ministry know about me?" I asked Snape. "No, I managed to convince Albus that I was sure you did not follow in your parent's footsteps and that you were not a Death Eater, If he believed me or not I'm not sure, but either way he ensured the Minister that he knew you were not a Death Eater. He said the Minister promised him that, it would be written in the article that you were not on the same side as your parents. Whether the public believe it or not is up to the individual so it will be safer for you to be here. Albus is in agreement." I had stopped crying whilst he had been speaking, but after he finished, I couldn't help but start again. I started crying hysterically, I was slightly embarrassed to be doing this in front of Snape, but I couldn't contain it any longer. I was crying loudly when Draco burst into the room and helped me stand up before hugging me. "Were you listening Draco?" Snape asked and I felt Draco nod above me. "Then you know, you two are dismissed." Draco hugged me tightly before putting his arm around me and walking us out of the room. I cried into his chest and he ended up just picking me up and carrying me with his arms under my knees and back as I sobbed into his chest. 'Shhh, Ris it's okay, I'm going to take you back to your dorm and just get some sleep, it'll be okay I'm here for you, I'll do anything, and I'll get you anything you need okay." I nodded but continued to sob. Draco inhaled sharply but I didn't look up to see why, "Diggory, get out of here before I finish what you started earlier." I looked up now and saw Cedric through the tears in my eyes. I felt kind of ridiculous like this, Draco carrying me, I must have looked a right state, I rubbed my eyes and the blackness left on my hands told me my mascara was everywhere. I sighed and Draco just gently pushed my head into his chest forcing me to look away and I sighed before sobbing again. Cedric didn't say anything, and I didn't miss the look of pain in his eyes as he looked at me. I forgot about Cedric as Draco took us to my dorm and led me down in my bed. Seconds later, Pansy and Blaise rushed into the dorm and Pansy got into my bed with me, pulling me into a hug. "Oh Parisa, what happened?" Draco told them quietly and Pansy gasped "Oh Ris, I'm so sorry, everything will be okay I promise, I'm here for you, do you need anything?" I shook my head, I needed Cedric, I needed him to forgive me, I needed him to hold me and tell me that he loved me. But that wasn't going to happen. I cried harder. In less than twenty-four hours everybody was going to know about my family, even Pansy and Blaise, and I was sure considering Pansy's reaction to Draco that she was going to regret laying here with me right now. I was terrified, what would people think of me? Not many people liked me anyway, but everybody was going to hate me. I was going to have to stay locked up here just to stay safe, it was better than going home of course, I hated it there, but I just wished I had to stay here for better reasons. I was hysterical and I had completely worn myself out from crying. Pansy stayed in my bed with me all night, even Blaise and Draco stayed in our dorm, they stayed sat on the end of my bed and Draco left every now and again to get us water and some food as we all skipped dinner. Eventually I stopped crying and I just led there staring at the ceiling, I fell in and out of sleep but when the sun shone through the small window to our dorm, we all woke up. Draco and Blaise went back to their dorm to shower and change but then came right back. Pansy showered but I didn't move from where I was, I couldn't, I wasn't crying anymore, I just felt nothing. Draco went to Dumbledore to tell him I wasn't going to my lessons today and he excused me from them for the rest of the term.

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