chapter thirty ❃ hufflepuff vs. slytherin

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I woke up to Cedric's warm arms wrapped around my waist with my back pressed up against his front. I had slept through most of the night only waking up occasionally to move positions, and I remember every time; Cedric sleepily rolling over to me and pulling me back into him, my heart had officially melted. I never wanted to leave and so I didn't move; too scared to wake him, it was a Saturday, so we didn't have any lessons, it was also the last day of term before summer. I had made it; I had made it through fifth year and finally I had a reason to make it through the sixth too.

I smiled when I felt Cedric slowly move my hair away from my neck and gently start to kiss it, I turned my head to smile at him and he pecked me on the lips. He grabbed my waist and twisted me so my whole body was facing him, "Good Morning my gorgeous girl." He smiled kissing me on the cheek, he sat up and ran a hand through his hair before stretching and looking back down at me. "You can't imagine how good you look in my bed right now, you wouldn't believe the amount of times I've thought about you laying there." I laughed and grabbed his shoulder pulling him back down and climbing on top of him. I straddled his hips and he put his hands on my waist, I grabbed his face and leant forward kissing him softly, "You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've thought about doing that." I mumbled against his lips and he groaned before moving one on of his hands to the back of my head and pushing my lips into his once again, "Is that so? And then what happens?" He asked teasingly and I suddenly felt confident. I knew he was teasing me but I gently rolled my hips into his, he moaned quietly and leaned his head back closing his eyes and I blushed at his reaction, doing it again, this time however, I was the one who moaned as his grip on my waist tightened and I felt something hard brush against my inner thigh. I didn't say anything I just looked up at his face, he was now looking back and me and he smirked, "Ah, I see, I didn't know you thought about me like that Angel." He chuckled and I blushed, "Stop being embarrassed, it's cute, and Merlin knows so have I." My blush deepened and he rolled us over, so he was hovering over me, he leant down and kissed me again, pressing his hips against mine as I moaned lightly in his mouth, feeling him, "Feel that? That's what you do to me Angel" he said pressing his groin into me a little firmer and I moaned again a little louder this time. He chuckled and leant down to kiss me again when there was a loud knock on his door.

"Come on Ced! It's almost twelve and we need to practice for the game later before Slytherin book out the field, again." Cedric groaned loudly but didn't move, "Uh I'm kind of busy here guys, I'll join you in a bit." He turned back to me and smiled. "No mate, if we don't win today, old Sprout will have our necks, don't make me come in there." Cedric quickly stood up and went to the door poking his head around it. "For the love of Merlin do not take one step closer. Do you guys have to do this right now, I really like this girl." His friends laughed, "And if she likes you too then I'm sure she can wait for you, and hey who doesn't love a quidditch champion. Now hurry up and get your kit on." Cedric sighed, "I will be on the pitch in twenty minutes tops alright, now leave me alone." He sighed and his friends made collective grunts before I heard their footsteps walking away.

Cedric closed the door and quickly got back into bed, climbing back on top of me. "I'm sorry about them Angel now, where were we?" He said leaning in, he brushed his lips against mine, "Ah, I remember now." He whispered against them before kissing me gently. He slowly moved his kisses from my lips and down to my throat, "You really should go to practice Ced, Draco and his team have been practicing none stop all week, they're absolutely buzzing" I said breathlessly as he kept kissing my neck and collar bones, "Are you sure you want me to?" He breathed into my neck between kisses making me feel like I was drowning, the way he was making me feel was like nothing I had ever felt before and I could barely think straight, "Well noooo, but I know you'll regret it if you don't and like you said we have a lot of time now." Cedric chuckled and he pulled away to look at me, "That we do my Angel, a lot of time." He smirked at me before pecking my lips once more and getting out of bed. I took the time to admire him again and blushed when I saw the evident bulge in his joggers. He laughed at me, "Please meet me in our special place tonight so I can say goodbye."

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