chapter thirty-three ❃ the unthinkable

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I disapparated to the fourth floor and as soon as I turned the corner, I saw Draco. Relief flooded through me but before I could realise what was happening, he was running towards me. He ran into me almost knocking all the air out of me and tightly wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh, thank Merlin, Parisa, I've missed you so much, you have no idea how happy I am to see you." He said out of breath as I wrapped my arms around him too, "Probably about as happy as I am to see you, oh Draco I've been so worried about you." I replied and Draco didn't say anything he just squeezed me tighter before letting me go. "So, what do you think this is about?" I asked as we began walking towards the door that was appearing at the end of the hallway. "I have no idea; I suppose it has something to with our... next task." We both gulped but before either of us could say anymore the room of requirement door opened and Snape walked out with his usual pissed-off expression. "Hurry up you two! what took you so long?" As he asked us this, he glared at me for an unusual amount of time – I was confused, Draco was literally stood next to me so why was he clearly focusing this on me? He couldn't have any idea where I was. I gulped and pushed the thought to the back of my mind as we all walked into the room and sat at the long table where Voldemort was waiting.

"Ah Parisa... Draco... it's nice to see you both again, I would like to personally congratulate you on fixing the cabinet... you two really have proved yourselves trustworthy." I politely smiled at Voldemort and Draco thanked him. "It is this new found trust that has brought me to decide on your next task... this one may be more... challenging for you to find a solution. But it is of the up most importance and it must be performed." I gulped and Draco grabbed my hand under the table. "Severus here, has made an unbreakable vow; to watch over you two during this task and to... step in if you find yourselves unworthy of this honour, although I know that will not be the case." Draco gripped my hand tighter, "Of course not, my Lord... we will not fail you." He said as Voldemort creepily smiled in return, "I am pleased to hear that Draco, and I hope you keep your word and succeed in killing Dumbledore this year." I froze. I completely shut down and I knew Draco was doing the same as I couldn't hear his steady breaths anymore. We both just sat there, staring at Voldemort before I forced myself to snap out of it, "O-Of course My Lord." I said trying to control my wavering voice as I looked down. "You can do it in any way in which you please, but I would favour The Killing Curse – you don't know how often you'll get to use it and it is truly liberating." I didn't look at him... I couldn't. He was a truly sick and twisted monster. Draco seemed to come to his senses now too, "We will do you proud My Lord."

Voldemort gave some instructions to Snape but neither me nor Draco were really listening, his grip on my hand was like a vice but I was glad it was there... it was the only thing keeping me grounded. Voldemort dismissed us and Draco and I stood up immediately and walked towards the door. As soon as we turned the corner, out of Snape or even Voldemort's sight I let the sob's I was desperately trying to contain break free, without even thinking about Draco I ran, I needed time to think about what he had just asked, no told Draco and I to do. I ran but I was crying so hard I could barely breathe and soon had to stop, we were near the great hall now and I knew someone might see me, but I didn't care. I willed my legs to go forward but soon felt too heavy to even stand, I felt like I was being crushed by my emotions and finally I stopped fighting. I just let myself fall... but instead of hitting the cold, hard ground like I had been preparing for, I landed in someone's arms, "Shhhh Ris, we're okay, we're in this together – You're not alone." Draco comforted me but he was wrong, we were far from okay. Quite the opposite actually.

I didn't say anything to him I just sobbed into his chest, Draco carefully picked me up and started to walk. That's when I heard him and my sobs grew louder as I thought about how Cedric would react to this, "Parisa? Is that you? Parisa what's happened?" I buried my head in Draco's chest wishing everything would just stop, it was all happening so fast and I couldn't take it, I needed it all to stop. "Get out of here Diggory." Draco snapped and started walking faster, I heard Cedric's footsteps grow louder behind Draco, "Please just... just let me talk to her." He sounded upset, and if it wasn't already... the way his voice broke would have probably broken my heart. "No Diggory just... leave her alone – you're the last thing she needs right now." Of course, Draco was wrong, he was actually one of the first thing's I needed right now but still I didn't say anything... there was one thing I knew for sure; Cedric Diggory could not know what I had to do. Yes, he understood now but he must have a limit of what he can excuse, this was unthinkable, and I had no idea what me and Draco were going to do.

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