Part 17

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Anger flashes in the king's eyes. 

He's figured it out. 

"Guards, after the imposter beside me!" He yells out. 

My senses are instantly put on high alert. I hear the tell-tale chinking of armour and spears. I twist around, hike up my dress to my thighs and dash off past my adoptive brothers. I quickly cast an apologetic look to them before exiting the hall. My light footsteps somehow manage to echo throughout the corridors. I don't know whether it's just my brain focusing on and magnifying those sounds or they're truly that loud. I run up the winding staircases, flinging myself around every corner in attempt to confuse the guards chasing after me. 

Then I reach my bed chambers. I slam the door behind me, shove my dresser beside it to try and jam it shut and take a flying leap off my balcony. My weight tears through the cloth roofs of market stalls and I eventually crash-land into a wheelbarrow full of figs. I feel pain rippling through my back and rear end. That's definitely going to leave a couple bruises. I roll out of the wheelbarrow and land on the dusty ground. I wheeze in pain and from the dust and sand going into my lungs. I pull myself up, pain releasing me from the panic. Hobbling over to Geb, I mount him carefully. 

"Let's go, boy. Back to the cave." I whisper into Geb's ear. 

Then I give him a kick in the ribs to get him going. He instantly rushes forward, we gallop through the city and slums. Startled yelps and cries come from the people around us. I look over my shoulder to see a squad of palace guards behind us. 

"Come on, Geb. Faster, faster. I can't be caught, not today." I say, panic clouding my mind again. Terrified screams fill my ears as we ride through the market, over that I can hear my own heart pounding. A finely polished spear whizzes past my ear, for a split second sunlight is reflected right into my eye. Surrounded by a cacophony of various sounds, I collapse sideways into the hard ground. Plumes of dust and dirt fly up into the air as I hit the ground. Through blurry vision, I watch Geb carry on towards the Citadel's entrance gates. I blink rapidly and I forget what's going on. 

Where am I? Who are these people around me? Why does it hurt so much? 

Then staring up at the palace guards and wide-eyed townsfolk, I pass out. 

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