Part 1

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The afternoon sun beats down hard on my shoulders. The cracked road before me shimmers like a mirage in the sunlight. Geb snorts grumpily, complaining about the length of our journey. 

"Don't be like that, we're almost there." I coo, rubbing the matted hair at the nape of his neck. We rock from side to side as Geb ambles along. My rucksack tugs down at my shoulders and the straps rub painfully against my blistering sunburns. My lips are as dry as a bone. Thirst grips at my throat and my watery eyes sting. Gusts of wind blow from behind, carrying dust and sand in it's wake. 

Soon enough, we arrive at the looming limestone gates of the Capital. I grab Geb's reins, rubbing my calloused fingers on the inlaid hieroglyphics, and turn him around to the left. I leap down to the ground, the earth crumbling under my feet, and lead Geb over to the glistening river. I release his reins and let him drink, soon following his lead. I sink to my knees in the mud and cup my hands together to drink from the Nile. With each sip, the burning in my throat ceases just a little bit more. Once my thirst is quenched, I sit back and listen to Geb's slurping. Looking up to the sky, I raise an arm to block the sun from my eyes as I gaze at the fluffy, white clouds. 

"We should get going, Geb." I get to my feet and pull on Geb's bridle to get him moving again. I strap his saddle on over his humped back and rub the excess mud off of my sandals before mounting. Giving a slight nudge to Geb's belly, we start making our way through the Capital's gates and into the slums. The pungent smells of sweat, alcohol and bad bread fill the air in thick clouds. Not at all like the ones high up in the sky. 

As we carry on, the smell tends to get just a bit better. Eventually we get to a nicer part of town, Geb letting out a muffled huff, spots a stall selling fresh bread. This stuff is better than the ones being sold back in the slums. I drive Geb closer to the stall, being careful to keep his reins taunt so his head's away from the bread, and give the kid manning the stall a small handful of coins. He hands me back two loaves of buttered bread. I wave goodbye and get Geb moving again, I make sure to give him a loaf though. Geb bellows happily as he chomps through it. I nibble on my loaf too as we wander on. 

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