Part 6

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The journey takes less than ten minutes and I emerge in a cluttered alleyway. I clamber up the deserted stalls and onto the roofs, feeling a light breeze ruffle my hair before beginning the final climb. Finding little hand and foot holds in the limestone, I make my way up to Princess Azizi's balcony, or as I should say, my balcony. I twist my upper body around to meet the very first ray of sunlight of the morning. I enjoy the slight warmth before crawling under the balcony railings. With the wind and early sun to my back, I stand up and make my way into Princess Azizi's old chambers and personal bathroom. 

For the rest of the early morning, I spend my time readying myself to take Princess Azizi's place in the palace. I undo the leather straps wrapped around my calves, slipping off my oversized brown shirt and baggy black trousers. I kneel down and slide into the pool of warm water. It's teal colour is beautiful, reflecting shadows from the lamplights on the rippling water surface. Once inside, I fully submerge myself and soak my skin. Turning my head from side to side, I float and look around at the smooth sandstone walls and at the various golden figures surrounding me. Each one depicted a different major deity. Then I grab a bottle. I sit up straighter and empty out the bottle's oily contents on my head, using my fingers to wipe a little on my eyebrows. Feeling the dye and water run through each strand of my hair, I gradually alter my hair colour from black to green. Afterwards, I get back up and out of the water, water droplets rushing down from the tips of my locks and down my shoulder blades. I wrap a towel around myself and search for a dress. After applying a painfully gritty salve to my sunburns, I pull on a delicate and bejeweled lavender dress and seat myself in front of a mirror. I turn my lips berry-red and my eyelids a dark bluey-green, rubbing ground stibnite and charcoal around my eyes gently. Then I almost leap out of my skin, hearing a knock at the door. 

"Azizi, darling, are you awake? It's time for your father's war meeting." A feminine voice calls. I hear the bedroom door open and I gaze up to see a woman in an expensive and shimmery dress. The queen, Mother Maat. 

"Morning, Mother." I greet her, the words dripping from my lips like liquid honey. 

"Oh! You're awake. That's good, I thought I was going to have to get your brother to drag you out of bed by your ankles." She exclaims, her eyes widening dramatically. I'd forgotten how much the real Princess Azizi loves to sleep in in the mornings! 

"Um, I just wanted to impress Father and the council today." I smile sweetly. The queen still seems oblivious, great. 

 "Hm, good girl. I'll be sure to tell your father. Come along now, darling." Mother Maat replies, gesturing for me to come to her. As I rise to my feet and begin to walk out the door, she puts a hand on the small of my back and guides me downstairs. We stroll down the winding stairs, down a long corridor and into the war room. 

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