Part 2

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A few hours have passed and it's close to sunset. I direct Geb to the town square just in time to witness the ceremony. I glance up at the palace balcony overhanging to the far right side of the square. Standing on that balcony is the royal family, all watching the ceremony closely. I put a grim smile on my face and turn back to the ceremony. A priest sets Prince Osiris down to his knees and places a rich blue crown atop his head. It settles on his black-brown hair perfectly as the priest continues to read from a weathered papyrus scroll. 

"For many a month have we have tested you, for many a month have we celebrated your triumphs. Now the time has come for you to officially take your place in the royal council as heir to the throne and successor of your father, the great incarnation of the god Horus himself!" The priest recites in a grand, booming voice to the crowds of Capital citizens. I clap along with everyone around me, listening to the deafening cheers with solace. Then I get Geb to turn around, leaving behind the town square to search for a place to stay tonight. 

When the sun eventually starts to set, I've settled in a small cave connected to a set of tunnels under the palace. It's sacred to the jackal god Anubis so I'm careful of what I touch. It took a little bit of effort to evade the guards to get into the palace in the first place, but that won't be a problem if all goes well. I hammer down a wooden post into the bedrock and tie Geb's bridle up to it. 

"Bye, Geb." I whisper, giving him a scratch behind his ears before crawling my way back up through one of the smaller tunnels. It took about ten minutes before I emerged on the slums' borders. Careful not to breathe, I tuck my nose under my shirt and clamber up the side of an empty stall. Coming up onto the roofs, I release my shirt and suck in the deep breath. The air is much nicer and cleaner up here. The blue and pink dusk sky washes me in it's dull light. I just stand there for a while, enjoying the fresh air. 

Then I set off again, sprinting across the rooftops. I jump over alleyways and skirt past tight corners, letting the breeze comb through my hair until I reach the palace. I climb just a little higher and roll onto the balcony of Princess Azizi's chambers. I hide myself behind a curtain and watch her, setting off the wheels in my head dedicated to dissecting her behavior. I'll need to know all I can about her to play her part accurately. I stay right there until the sun had set long ago, observing Princess Azizi quietly as she brushed her oddly coloured hair and pranced around in her flowy dresses that's colours mimicked a lapis lazuli. I crawl out from behind the curtain and slink down from the balcony, disappearing into the darkness. 

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