To Play at a Feast

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I stood at the top of the staircase looking down at the guests who were slowly flowing into the hallways that led into the dining halls

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I stood at the top of the staircase looking down at the guests who were slowly flowing into the hallways that led into the dining halls. I took another deep breath as my stomach performed another backflip. I had had dinners with High Lords before, but on those occasions we would only have one High lord visit for some minor diplomatic discussion every few years. This was different. I knew that deep in my bones that this was different. My father wanted me to the be the epitome of Spring, not a single hair out of place and a delicate smile on my lips. My heart sunk and doubt filled it's place. What if I couldn't be the Daughter of Spring?

"Is everything okay, Forsythia?" I couldn't help the sweet smile that crossed my face when I heard Clem's melodic voice.

He looked regal in his white tunic and moss green pants. I made sure to hide a giggle at the fact that he clearly spent time on braiding his blonde hair. To be honest, I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him braid his hair, or put actual time into his hair. It was either tied up in a messy bun, worn loose, or tied back in a sleek ponytail when he was on guard.

"Everything is good, I'm just a little nervous," My eyes fluttered towards the ever filling hallway. It was a sea of ever changing colors cause by the clothes of every court that caused the wave of nerves that threatened to consume me. I would be lying to say that Clem wasn't causing some of the additional nerves that were now growing.

"You will be fine, you have no reason to worry. I have heard you play 'Under the Spring Tree' hundreds of times. You will do great!" He whispered, and by now I knew the shades on my cheeks matched the shades of petals on my dress.

I nodded and we locked arms, walking down the staircase and into the sea of colors. As we traveled through the sea of guests, dodging all sorts of wings and waiters carrying plates of hors d'oeuvres, I closed the space between Clem and, afraid that we might be separated and I would be left alone to fend for myself.

"Finally! Some fresh air!" I couldn't help the laughter that escaped me due to Clem's words when we found ourselves through the sea and into the large hall where everyone was socializing before the supper.

"I don't think I have ever seen the manor this packed!" I smiled back.

"And I never want to see it this packed again!"

"Wow, good thing you aren't the host," I teased back, our laughter creating a small chorus among us. I quickly ended my giggle when I noticed whispers behind me begin to spread. I felt my body tense when I felt a hush. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but a second is a second.

When I looked up, the High Lord and Lady of Night had walked into the hall, so it was them who caused some of my court to begin their whispers. My smile grew even wider when I saw a familiar face and a very familiar set of wings.


"Well that was rude," I mumbled to Clem, making sure not to stare at them like the rest of my court and guests. Had they forgotten their manners?

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