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Holding the leathery book in my hands, the texture bumpy and cool to the touch. It had no title, no name of the author. At most, it looked more like a journal. The pages felt thick and smelled tart and like black ink. Reading the pages, delving deeper into the history and lore, was like reading a fantasy book.

Eh? What is this nonsense?

'The Original Ten were gods sent from heaven, possessing beauty beyond belief. A single look from any of them can render a mere mortal blind, and have the ability to kill thousands with a flick of their finger.'

Beauty beyond belief? What is this garbage? Make people blind and kill using a finger... the person who noted everything down must have been on something while writing this. This book is worse than any fiction I have ever read.

'The gods who walked the earth had extraordinary powers, the ability to control the dead and bring forth life. Some had the power to harness the energy of the sun, while others the complete opposite, bring forth darkness and control the moon and stars.'

'The gods spread fear and admiration across the continent, leaving weapons of great power and items of no knowledge behind as they ascended back to the sky, never to be seen again.'

These books are of no help to me. Setting down the third book after skimming through with a hefty thud, I groan, messaging my temples. I'm sure I lost a good portion of my brain cells with each book. I don't have time to read about stories that don't even reveal anything, except how flowy the hair was or the colors of fires when summoned.

Argh, this is so frustrating!

"Please have a hot teapot ready, the Great one will want some soothing refreshments when she begins the meeting," Alucard ordered one of the maids who were standing by. "Get her the usual."

"Right away my Lord." With a quick bow, she was off in a flash.

With a plop, his body dropped on the leathery couch, his body sinking into the velvety smooth cushions. The room was nice and calm, only the sound of delicate twinkling from the crystal chandelier that hung high in the ceiling. The numerous crystals of different sizes and colors emitted a soft glow, brightening the room. There were candles floating on each corner of the room, as well as a couple on the corner tables, flickering and dancing happily. The large dark oak table stood in the middle, a regal table cloth on top as its company.

Closing his eyes for a moment, letting the warm hues and twinkling of the chandelier to soothe his worries away. The calm and serene moment was quickly interrupted by the large door swinging open, startling Alucard from his peaceful mindset.

"Oh, sorry, where we interrupting your beauty sleep, Alucard?" A beep sneaker came from the dragon-like warrior, his snowy scales vibrant.

"Oh, so you've come, Draco?" Alucard ruffled his hair, a vein popping more visible with each rough chuckle from the dragon-like man.

Draco's silvery hair was slicked back, some strands reaching his broad shoulders. His white, almost translucent scales were scattered around his body and face, making it appear as if he is shining with each ripple of light. His eyes were a brilliant blue, cold as ice, the black slits of his pupils sharp as knives. He looks threateningly handsome in every way, even his sharp toothy grin.

Even with his annoying presence there and his formidable power, Draco wasn't the main threat to Alucard. He flicked his ruby eyes towards the tall man standing next to Draco. Tall and broad, even without his weapon in hand, Alucard could sense the power and threatening aura he emitted. The only reason Alucard had the position of being the overseer of the other guardians is mainly that this man was the most qualified out of everyone when it came to fighting at the front lines. He was a natural leader, and stubbornly loyal to boot. Hence the reason why he was appointed Captain of the warriors, of every single one of them, of every unit.

Not only is he the strongest out of everyone residing in the Avant Heim, aside from the Great One, but he was created by her too! Just the thought of his being created by the Great One he admires so much could turn his pale skin green with envy.

"If you have enough time to lounge around, maybe you're not doing enough around here." The man's piercing eyes glared at the vampire lord.

Such a stickler for everything, maybe someone shoved a broom up his ass and left it there, firmly stuck, Alucard grimaced.

"Welcome, Caspian." Alucard forced out. "I see you're still intact after being gone for so long. Hope the trip back wasn't tough?" He smirked at the hero. Caspian, commander of the mighty military forces, arched his brow. He has gotten used to the attitude Lord Alucard throws at him, but it never gets any easier. Almost like dealing with a child.

"It was fine, Alucard." He emphasized the name, giving the blood-sucking monster a chilling warning.

"As captain, it would be quite the shame if some mere insects left a scratch on me." Caspian lowered himself to sit across from Alucard, crossing his arms and leaning back, staring at the vampire. Draco was still standing in front of the large double doors, barely able to move from the weight that filled the room.

The amount of aggression those two emit could power the flying fortress for the rest of ages, my Gods. Draco sighed, a single drop of sweat escaping his brow.

"Um, are the others coming today?" The dragon uttered out, placing the best smile he could muster out while walking towards the two.

"Yes, everyone has been informed to come by command of the Great One, and be on their best behavior." Alucard spit out, not breaking the staring contest with Caspian.

"That's rich, coming from you at this moment." Caspian barked back.

"Wha-." Alucard slammed his hands on the heavy table.

"And this is why all of us were separated for such a long time, you two can't act civilly around each other at all." Siofra huffed out, eyeing at the men in the middle of the large room; two grown men puffing their chest at each other.

"What happened?" A voice ringed out. Tatiana, her pitch high, almost childlike, boomed and filled the hollow room. Pushing the double doors, heavy as slabs of steel, like it was air, a large figure appeared from the shadows. Her feminine figure was enticing and the long, slender black hair hugged her figure perfectly. She held a wide smile as she flew into the room with Siofra at her side, looking at the two men eagerly. Her shimmering opal-like eyes shone with glee. Being eighteen feet in length, she towered over everyone with ease. To her amusement, this is the perfect height to watch as the amusing scene unfolding in front of her.

"Eh? You two at it again?" She snickered, crunching her nose. "Are you going to blow up another part of the fortress, like last time with one of your little spats?" The grim she wore grew wider, her wings rustling behind her.

Alucard's eyes widened, the reminder of that time he wished to forget was a hard shot to his ego. His face flushed as shame crept in his chest, hanging his head low. Caspian avoided eye contact entirely, turning his head from everyone.

"We are still missing two guardians." Siofra huffed, glancing around the room.

"My lord, I've brought the tea." The maid Alucard had sent a while ago came in, rolling a cart of sweets picked for the enjoyment of their master and freshly brewed tea. Looking up to the room, filled with the great protectors of Avant Heim, the aura was dark like someone had turned the illuminating crystals all off.

What in the world happened here? She just stared in disbelief.

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