Unleashing the Monster

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to come to work with me?"

Anna thought she might want time alone to process what had just transpired, but she also knew being left alone with her thoughts was rarely a good idea. Besides, she couldn't resist the need to stay close to her soulmate.

"Can I?"

In the car, Namjoon started to feel worried.

"Are you okay? I hope I didn't push you too far earlier."

"What? No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I didn't mean to get so carried away... and it was our first kiss, our bonding kiss, it should have been romantic. A beautiful memory for you."

Anna put her hand on his arm.

"Namjoon. Don't worry. It was definitely memorable."

Namjoon smirked.


Anna blushed and went to move her hand away, but as she did so Namjoon grabbed it. He brought it up to his lips, kissing the back of her hand, before linking their fingers together.

After a few minutes, Namjoon spoke up again.

"I have been meaning to talk to you about something and since it was brought up earlier, perhaps now would be the right time?"

Anna wasn't sure what Namjoon was referring to.


"It's about what you were reading earlier..."

Anna panicked, now knowing what Namjoon wanted to talk about.

"I am so sorry. I won't read stuff like that anymore. I've been trying to stop..."

"Whoa, Anna. Calm down. Its okay. I just wanted to ask you about it. Why are you apologising?"

"Umm, I don't know. I thought it would make you uncomfortable?"

"It is a little weird to know that people are reading fictional stories where I am a character. However, I want to know, why do you read fanfiction?"

"BTS fanfiction or fanfiction in general?"

"So, you read others?"

"Yeah... Let me start from the beginning. I don't remember how I discovered it, but when I was around thirteen, I think, I started reading Twilight fanfiction. Don't judge. Then I moved onto Harry Potter and those were the main two I went back and forth between, but I have also read stories based on some of my other favourite books, movies and tv shows."

Anna paused for a moment and Namjoon smiled at her encouraging her to keep going.

"So, over two years ago I discovered Asian dramas and I wanted to read fanfictions based on them. Sadly, they were very hard to find, but I think that's where I came across my first BTS fanfiction. I believe I recognised the name BTS and knew that you were a boy band from Korea, but that was it. Despite not knowing anything about you, I read a few more stories based on BTS. I must have really liked the characters.

After that, I watched The Untamed and I read nothing but fanfiction based on it, until I saw you on James Corden's Carpool Karaoke. You caught my attention and I remembered I had read fanfiction about you before, so I decided to go back and look for some more. Then I started listening to your music and watching your videos and I haven't stopped since."

"Interesting. So, you read stories about us before you became a fan?"

"Yeah, so I knew your names and things like you are accident prone and Jungkook likes banana milk."

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