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Welcome BACK to another chapter, there's some tea that's going to get spilled it, but enjoy LMFAO

"Yea, it is Atsumu!" the girl yelled. Atsumu immediately recognized her. She was his cousin. He wasn't overall anxious. Just surprised. Her name was Yui. Yui Miya. She was probably his favourite cousin, among his 27 cousins. Yui was about the same age as Atsumu, so they were like best friends. He was still in shock at seeing her here because she was like Sakusa. A germaphobe. So he wanted to introduce them when he would tell everyone.

"Uh, hi Yui. What are you doing here?~" Atsumu asked. He looked over behind her and spotted a younger female who was peering into her phone. Sina. His other younger cousin. He had immediately assumed that she was supposed to babysit Sina because they wouldn't just come to an amusement park.

"As you can see... I'm babysitting a 12-year-old, but uh, who's the guy?" Yui countered. Sakusa rolled his eyes and let go of Atsumu. He couldn't actually believe that she didn't recognize him. Maybe it was because of his mask, but it didn't really other him.

"Uh~ Um-" Atsumu stuttered. "Oh, is he the boyfriend that Ichika told me about? Atsumu immediately got furious. He couldn't believe that Ichika was going around with that secret and telling other people about his relationship with Sakusa.

"What the actual fuck!? Who else did she fucking tell??!!" Atsumu yelled. Sina looked up from her phone and looked back down. "She told me and Yui." She replied bluntly. He wasn't really sure if that was accurate, but he definitely knew that there was going to be a bloodshed this night.

"Oh yea, is he the Sakusa guy? She told me he was THE Sakusa Kiyoomi, but I didn't really believe it." Yui continued. Sakusa found it tiring to wait. He just wanted to go on with his date. But of course, he was a patient man, unlike Atsumu, who has the patience of a cheetah. None.

"Um, yea, he is." Atsumu replied. He pulled Sakusa in front of him and pulled Sina and Yui towards him.

"EW GERMS!~" Sakusa and Yui yelled. Atsumu shouldn't have surprising. the only person who Sakusa was comfortable with was Atsumu. Yui was only comfortable with her own blood. They both stood shocked as the younger female looked up at him. "Woah, you're tall!" She exclaimed.

"Um, yea. I forgot, that you were both germaphobes!~" Atsumu scratched his head. "Liar," Yui remarked. She knew that it was on purpose, and so did Sakusa. What a great way to introduce each other.

Sakusa looked at the younger female and smiled. He assumed that since she was with the other germaphobe; she had to be clean. He bent down to reach her height and looked her in the eye. He would never go that close to anyone but Atsumu. (not kiss close).

He brought his hand out and asked to shake hands. She looked at him and immediately brought out what looked like gloves from her backpack. He too was wearing gloves because he would probably die if he wasn't. It was almost funny.

The little girl now brought her hand towards Sakusa's. It brought a smile to Yui's and Atsumu's faces. Both were very reserved. They didn't like people. In an instant, Sakusa took a liking to the adolescent female. "Um, this is going to sound weird... but can I take a picture with you?" Sina pleaded. Sakusa glanced at his Atsu, to the older girl and back to the younger one. He didn't feel completely comfortable being that close, but he didn't want to make the kid sad. So he took the photo.

"Come in, Yui, and Atsu~!" Sina pleaded. The two came into the back and struck a pose, like the drama queens that they were. Sina took the photo and quickly uploaded it onto her Insta. Sakusa felt a wave of relief. Not of getting the photo over with, but with the fact that he could finally continue his date with Atsumu.

"Uh, Atsu.. can we go on the ride before it closes~," Sakusa asked. "Sure. Bye Sina, Yui," Atsumu hollered as he ran away from the pair.

"You sound needy, Omi-Omi,' Atsumu started. "Yea, I know. I just don't want to waste the time we have together." Sakusa stated. Atsumu stopped in his tracks and drew Sakusa back. "What do you mean 'waste the time we have together'? We have all the time in the world." Atsumu asked.

Sakusa looked into Atsumu's eyes. "You realize that the little girl uploaded it to her Instagram, right?" Sakusa stated. Atsumu's eyes widened, and he stared into the distance. He immediately pulled out his phone and turned on his data. He opened his Instagram and searched for Sina's account.

"Oh, no... oh no no no no..." Atsumu was shocked. For the first time, he was afraid that he would get into trouble. But Sakusa in even more. He opened the comments and was even more socked than before. He saw Osamu's comment.

It read: yo y tf is Atsumu there? I thought he was at home alone, LMFAO and is that Sakusa Kiyoomi?

Atsumu read it out loud and turned off his phone and shoved it down in his pocket. "You know what? Let's have fun before it ends." Atsumu decided that they would just enjoy the night together. No one will interrupt them. Sakusa, on the other hand, was freaking out, but luckily he had his Atsumu by his side. As always.

{1 hour later}

They had exhausted all their energy. Sakusa was ready to throw himself onto his bed. Atsumu was ready to drown in his bathtub. They knew that running away wasn't a good idea, so they just went to Sakusa's home. In Tokyo. They both knew that it would be perilous, but Atsumu had never been there and he wanted more time. Tomorrow, he would go back home. Osamu, by now, had already called Ichika and Yui. He had no idea about what they were doing. Just except for the part that they were dating. Yui and Ichika knew better than to spill those kinds of secrets. Yui was obviously caught lying, because she was in the picture too. But she would never spill that kind of secret.




Hi hi , thanks for reading... I'm sorry if I was awfully late, I was just so unmotivated, lol unless I'm at school. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will try to keep myself motivated LMFAO. Have a good day/night/ noon.


Words : 1045  

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