"Don't touch me. Why did you not tell me then?" Elijah demanded. Despite his irritation at how the male was acting, Aiden was proud and relieved. He was thankful the boy felt comfortable enough to speak to him as he was, despite his dominant side wanting to put the male into his place. He could not do it; Elijah needed to let everything out after having held it in for so long.

"We had enough evidence to go to trial and he will most likely get a guilty verdict. I asked the lawyer I pulled to take the case if she could do it without you and she said it was a high possibility. She has kept me completely in the loop about what is happening. I did not want to make you relive your trauma until it is necessary." He explained calmly, wishing he could simply pull his submissive into his arms and wash away his pain. However, Elijah made it clear he needed his space in that moment rather than the comfort he wanted to offer.

"Is that why you brought me here?" Elijah could not help the anger in his voice as he glared at Aiden, despite the tears in his eyes.

"Yes and no. I had business here to take care of and had to leave either way. I did not want to leave you at home, especially with the trial happening. Now can you please let me hold you, Elijah. I promise, I will answer any of your questions, but I do not like seeing you cry. I want to be able to comfort you so please let me hold you." There was a moment of silence after Aiden's words and then Elijah slowly crawled closer, moving so he was laying down again and his head rested in Aiden's lap. The older male released a soft sigh of relief, leaning down to press his lips to Elijah's. He grunted in surprise as he felt the boy's hand grasp him by his hair, pressing his lips roughly to his before biting his lip. He scowled but let him take his anger out, one hand coming to wrap around Elijah's neck. To remind him who was in charge. After a moment, the boy pulled away and pressed his face into Aiden's thigh. It was then that he felt sobs run through the small body.

All he could do was run his finger's through Elijah's hair, stroking his cheek as he did so before he spoke softly.
"I did not keep the money I was meant to pay for you." At that the crying slowed slightly and teary eyes looked up to him in confusion.
"The women who worked for your father lost their jobs. Many of them were only trying to support their families and so I had my lawyer help me split the money amongst them. To help them get back on their feet. Me getting your father arrested was never about the money. It was about you and the horrible things he did to you."

Elijah shut his eyes tightly, guilt washing over him. He should not have gotten mad at Aiden when the man had done so much for him. He was meant to be helpful and thankful to him and yet he had yelled at him and made accusations.
"I am sorry." His voice was a soft whimper as he pressed his face into Aiden's thigh once again. He should have known better than to doubt Aiden's reasoning for taking him in. It was logical that his father was arrested. Yet within his damaged mind, he feared Aiden had only done it to help himself. His father had led him to believe people did not do things simply to do it. There was always another motive, and no one could be trusted. The teachings of his father had made him doubt Aiden and everything he had done for him.

"Do not apologize, love. I am not mad at you for questioning it." Aiden released a low sigh, pulling Elijah to sit up. He carefully brushed the male's hair behind his ears before pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Just know that what I do will always have your best interests in mind. You are my submissive and I will take care of you and love you." He soothed, receiving a small nod in response as he carefully wiped away the stray tears. It pained him to see the boy had been crying before he made it home.

"I should not have doubted you. You have only helped me." Elijah's voice was soft as he searched Aiden's face, fearful of finding something other than the understanding look he saw.

"You had a rough past. I understand that there will be times you do not know how to handle things. I will help you through that. And the next time you cry, call me, and answer my calls and texts. Talk to me, don't shut me out." His voice grew more firm in the end and Elijah bit his lip, nodding quickly as he carefully moved to sit on Aiden's lap. The other seemed more than happy to wrap his arms around him, nuzzling the boy's neck.
"It is important that you communicate with me, Elijah. If you do not, then I cannot help you and it will cause problems." He murmured, receiving an immediate nod. He raised an eyebrow, grabbing the male's chin so he could see his face.

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