Thursday, September 13, 3:12 pm EST

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Mathias was currently making his journey home from school. He had wanted to go to the park and shoot hoops with his friends, but Gilbert was grounded until Saturday, and Alfred had football tryouts. Mathias was debating a bit himself on whether to go or not, but decided it would be best to join the soccer team instead (much to Alfred's dismay).

The teen pulled out his phone and texted his mom letting her know that he was on his way home. He normally wouldn't bother giving her a heads up, but he was coming home earlier than usual and needed her to unlock the front door.

Mathias smiled as he walked down the sidewalk. Today, he was in a good mood. As he was crossing the street, he felt his phone buzz. It was just a text from his mom, asking him to stop somewhere and buy her a coffee.

The teen shrugged and made his way to the corner where a convenience store sat. He walked through the sliding doors and was greeted by the smell of fresh piss and juul pods.

"Hello! Welcome to 7-Eleven! If you need help with anything just let me know!" The cheery cashier smiled. He was short, around Mathias' age, with blond hair and violet eyes. Mathias knew he recognized him from somewhere but just couldn't seem to put his finger on where.

Mathias smiled back at the amicable cashier and headed to the area where the beverage dispenser was located. He grabbed a cup and filled it with iced mocha coffee, his mom's favorite.

As Mathias was walking over to the register, he bumped into one of the workers, spilling the coffee in his hand onto the ground. "Fisse! I'm so sorry, dude. Here, let me clean that up." The Dane said, kneeling down on the floor and frantically pulling out napkins from his pocket.

The worker sighed. "No need." He turned to the register and shouted, "Timo! Can you bring over the mop?"

Mathias thanked him and looked up. "Lukas? Is that you? I didn't know you worked here!"

"Oh. Hei, Mathias. Mmhmm, I just thought that it wasn't necessary to tell you." Lukas said with a shrug. The cashier from earlier walked over with a mop in his hand and began cleaning the floor.

During this brief awkward silence, Mathias took the time to examine the cashier carefully. The Dane's eyes widened in sudden realization. "Oh! I know you! You're Berwald's friend! Tino? Or was it Timo?"

The short blond smiled. "Either or. You know Berwald?"

Mathias nodded. "Of course! We're Bible camp buddies! He would talk about you all the time!"

Tino blushed. "Really? All the time? You must be Mathias, his Danish friend. It's nice to meet you!" He extended out a hand which Mathias gladly shook.

"Wait a second... You're Danish?" Lukas said, staring at Mathias in disbelief.

The tall teen chuckled and smirked. "Yep! I just thought that it wasn't necessary to tell you." He said in a somewhat mocking tone.

Tino laughed and Lukas rolled his eyes. "Did Emil tell you? We're from Iceland, y'know. Although, I was born in Oslo."

Mathias' eyes widened. "Really? That's so cool! I mean, I knew you guys had to be from somewhere around there, considering all those postcards on your walls and your cute accents. I've been to Norway plenty of times! Morfar would always take me there on the ferry from Hirtshals. But, I've never been to Iceland. Seems like a lot of fun though!"

Tino nodded in agreement, "It sure is! My family's from Finland. It looks like we can gather the entirety of Scandinavia together right here in this 7-eleven!" The teen joked.

"That sounds like a good idea!" Mathias laughed. "When are you two off of work? We should really hang out sometime!"

"Yes! I second that!" The Fin smiled. Lukas shook his head. "Can't."

The Dane gave him a puzzled look, while his violet-eyed friend sighed in annoyance. "Luukaass, you know Emil's old enough to take care of himself already! Stop babying him!"

Lukas huffed and rolled his eyes. Mathias had to admit, he completely agreed with Tino. Heck, Mathias' parents were leaving him home alone at age five! Twelve? Forget about it! By then, his parents were completely okay with him downing full case of pilsner, let alone stay home unsupervised for a couple hours.

Of course, Mathias wasn't going to say any of this out loud. He still wanted to keep his Friday and Saturday night job. "Where's Emil right now?"

"Oh. He's at the library. I pick him up after my shift ends." Lukas said, taking the mop out a Tino's hand and wringing it out. "Why do you ask? Did you see him leave?" The teen said, his tone sounding a little more urgent.

Mathias shook his head, "No, no! I was just wondering, that's all!" The Dane reassured. Lukas visibly calmed down and nodded in acknowledgment. "Good." He sighed.

The sound of the sliding doors opening startled the three teens, causing them to look up at the middle-aged woman walking slowly towards the register. Mathias sighed. "I should probably get going. See you guys at school!" The sophomore said, making his descent out the sliding doors.

Tino and Lukas waved. "Bye Mathias!" The Fin said with a smile.

Mathias whistled to himself as he made his way down the sidewalk. Poor Emil... Lukas seemed to be so strict on him. And in the most unreasonable ways possible! Honestly, the sixteen year-old would rather his little brother stay at the library with all the crackheads and gamer boys than the safety and comfort of his own home? What kind of nurturing is this?

Right before he turned down his block, the sophomore felt his phone buzz once again. He opened it and read the concerned text from his mother. She felt as if he was taking an awfully long time to just get a coffee. Mathias muttered a few curses under his breath. He had forgotten about his mother's coffee. In fact, he hadn't even paid for the one he spilt.

Mathias sighed and turned the opposite direction, and began his trek over to the not so nearby Starbucks.



Yes, I know that like everywhere in the world except the US say football instead of soccer, but this story takes place in NY so I wanted to keep it *American*. Sorry y'all.

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