Wednesday, September 12, 11:14 am EST

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The trio of friends sat down at their regular lunch table along with their trays of toxic school-made food.

"Wait, your dad seriously got you a tutor? Grounding you wasn't punishment enough?" Alfred said, taking a bite of his "chicken" patty.

Gilbert sighed. "Yep! I always thought surprises were supposed to be fun things, like a puppy, or a new pair of shoes. Not a freaking tutor!"

Mathias nodded. "Agreed. And while we're on the topic of surprises... Al-" Before Mathias could speak he was cut off by the sound of two lunch trays slamming down across from his.

"Seriously Lovi, you should think before you speak next time." Gilbert's good friend, Antonio, sighed.

The angry brunet next to him shook his head in anger. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? I was being honest! It's not my fault he looks like Jeffree Star gone bankrupt!"

"Whoa, hold up. As much as I wanna hear the rest of this story, I also wanna hear what Mat has gotta say." Alfred said, stealing a few fries off of an unknowing Gilbert's tray.

The Dane grinned. "Right. So as I was saying," He continued, "You never told us that you have a twin brother, Al!"

Practically everyone at the lunch table nearly choked on whatever they were eating. "You have a what!?" Gilbert coughed. Alfred rolled his eyes.

"You guys didn't know that?" Gilbert's girlfriend, Elizaveta, said as she took a seat next to him. "He told us back in July! The day after his birthday, when his mom took us all to Coney Island? Did you forget?"

"Thank you, Liza! See, at least somebody listens!" Alfred huffed. "Anyways, yeah. His name's Matthew, or Mattie. How'd you meet him?"

"Geometry last period. I thought he was you! I was so confused. I walked up to him, and was like, 'Al, what are you doing here?' Then he was all like, 'What? I'm not Alfred, that guy's my brother!' And then we talked for awhile. He's a pretty cool dude. Very quiet." Mathias said, sipping from his empty juice carton. "Why haven't you ever introduced him to us before?"

Alfred shrugged. "Well when we moved here, my bro was pretty homesick. He just wanted to stay in his room and eat ice cream the whole summer. Y'know, like a little girl." Elizaveta pinched Alfred's arm. "Hey, be nice! That's your brother you're talking about!" She chastised.

"Ow!" The blond pouted. "Well, anyways, he was just so out-of-it. I didn't really think he wanted to talk with anyone. But, seeing that he was okay with Mathias, maybe you guys could come over sometime? We can order pizza or something." Alfred suggested.

Everyone at the table's eyes widened. Alfred had never invited anyone to his house before. His home-life was a complete mystery to the others. "Yes! That sounds like an awesome idea!" Gilbert shouted.

Lovino scoffed, "Speak for yourself..."

Alfred ignored the freshman's comment and cheered. "Alright! Party at my house Saturday!"


3:05 pm EST

Alfred threw open the door to the quaint brick building he called home. He chucked his backpack on the ground and ran into his shared bedroom. The blond quickly began shoving all of his things on the floor into his drawers. Cleaning was his least favorite activity, but all of his friends were going to be visiting on Saturday, and if the room wasn't spotless his parents wouldn't even allow them to step foot in the house, let alone buy them dinner.

Alfred moved on from the floor, and started cleaning off the dresser. He moved so frantically, he didn't even notice his terrified twin watching him from the bottom of their bunkbed.

"Mon dieu, Al... What's gotten into you?" Matthew asked. His brother seemed to have not heard him, and grabbed a stack of magazines and tossed them at Matthew's poor unsuspecting face. "Jesus, Al! What gives!?" The teen shouted.

Alfred looked up and gasped. "Oh shit. Sorry bro! Didn't see you there!" he said apologetically.

Matthew rolled his eyes and adjusted his glasses. "Yeah, of course you didn't. What's going on with you today? I haven't seen you clean like this since Mom threatened to cancel our Netflix subscription."

"Ugh, don't remind me." Alfred cringed. "I just invited all my friends over Saturday. Need to clean the room to get Mom's approval. Hope you don't mind."

Matthew looked at him with uncertainty. You see, the teen had what most would call, "crippling anxiety." He had met one of these friends earlier, but he did not feel prepared enough to meet any of the others. "Wait, all of your friends? How many is that?"

Alfred shrugged. "Just like six. But I doubt Lovino will even bother showing up." He grabbed a bottle of windex and began scrubbing their mirror. "Don't worry, the majority of them will probably leave within a couple hours. They all have jobs to get to. It'll just end up being you, me, and Gil. But he's cool. They're all cool."

Matthew nodded, feeling a bit timid. "That's good, I guess. Maybe I could just hang out in Mom and Pa's room for the evening. I don't wanna bother you guys..."

His twin shook his head. "Nope! They're all coming because they're excited to meet you!" The blond froze at his brother's panicked expression. "Oh, chill out man. I promise you, they're totally fine. I told them how shy you are, I swear they aren't gonna be so ba-"

"You told them what!? Al! That's embarrassing!" The Canadian teen pouted.

Alfred sighed, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But could you at least help with the cleaning? The majority of this stuff is yours."

Matthew rolled his eyes and got up from his bed. He grabbed the bottle of windex Alfred was using and squirted it in his twin's face.

"Hey! That could've gotten in my eyes!" the blond yelled, cleaning off his glasses.

Matthew chuckled, "You deserve it, hoser."


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