When (Y/N) could no longer hear the animal's footsteps, he quickly made his way to the boat and got on at the last second. He sat down on a bench to look around, for his eyes to soon spot a pregnant woman sitting on the wooden floor. (Y/N) got up to offer his seat to the lady, who graciously took it, "Thank you young man." Now that he did not have a seat he decided to head towards the front of the ship to get a good view of what was ahead. He leaned against the railing to take a deep breathe, 'I'm coming Zuko and Iroh, just wait a bit longer.'

An hour passed for (Y/N) to soon hear a child whining. He looked around to spot the young boy whining to his mom and dad that he was bored. The parents were asleep, which was understandable as he saw a baby in each of their arms asleep. To entertain the boy, and let the parents sleep, (Y/N) sat down next to the boy, "Hey." The boy looked at him, "Who are you?" "My name is Haruki. What is yours?" The boy was hesitant for a bit, "Poa." "Well Poa, do you wanna do something fun?" "How can we have fun if we can't run around or be too loud?" "Well this is something we can do very quietly. Do you know the song of Ba Sing Se?" "No." "Wanna learn it?" An hour passed for (Y/N) of taught the boy the song and the hand dance him and Ty Lee made.

The boat soon boarded for (Y/N) to get up, "It was nice meeting you Poa." Poa waved goodbye as his parents woke up, "Bye Haruki." (Y/N) walked on the streets to look around, 'Now if I were an old man and a teenager who is always angry, where would I be?' (Y/N) then thought of something as he walked towards someone, "Hey, are there any tea shops around here?" The person looked at him, "There's a few, but you won't find any good tea any time soon." "Oh, thanks." (Y/N) walked away, 'If uncle was making tea then the whole town would be talking about it. Need to find them a different way.' The young boy walked around the streets for a few hours, to have no luck in finding Iroh or Zuko. (Y/N) rubbed the back of his neck as he walked up to a stand to buy an apple, so that he could have something to eat before he had to go to sleep.

He bought what he wanted to check his pouch, 'I don't have that much left.' He then started eating his apple as he climbed to the top of a building. He laid down on the roof as he used his hands as a pillow. He looked up at the stars as he thought about his home, friends, and family to soon fall asleep and have the night pass.

A Week Later

(Y/N) was going from street to street as he was trying to find any hints of where his family could be. But Ba Sing Se was a really big place, and (Y/N) began to think that he would never find them. It also did not help that he was confined in the lower ring. He checked his pouch to see that there was no money left, 'Looks like I'm gonna have to get a job. But what would I do?' As he thought about what to do he walked past two men who were talking, "I'm telling you, they actually serve good tea." The other man looked at him, "The last time I went there the tea was horrible." "Yeah, buy some old guy and a kid started working there. It's the best tea I've ever had." The were then stopped by (Y/N), "Excuse me gentlemen, where is this tea shop?" 

(Y/N) found his way to the tea shop the men were talking about.  He walked in, without noticing the closed sign, to see no customers making him the only one left in the shop. He sat at a table for him to look around at all of the decorations. Meanwhile in the back Iroh and Zuko were cleaning up. Iroh had heard the door open, "It seems we have another customer." Zuko was putting cups away, "Well were closed." "We can still serve them tea." Iroh went towards the dinning area to take the customer's order, to stop when he got behind the counter as he saw his second nephew sitting at a table looking around, "(Y/N)?" (Y/N) stopped looking around to look at Iroh, which made him stand up, "Oh uh... Hey uncle. How have you been? It's been a while huh." Iroh began to make his way around the counter and towards him without saying anything. This made (Y/N) a little nervous, "I know that I should be at the fire nation, but it got worse when you and Zuko left. And I didn't-" He was cut off by Iroh bringing him into a deep hug, to which (Y/N) was a little surprised by but he quickly hugged his uncle back.

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